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Need To Theoretical Research In The Philosophy Field Of Vision

Posted on:2014-02-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330398486819Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Need Theory is an important problem in the study of Marxism. Being concernedabout the needs of people and seeking the realistic way to meet people’s needs are thecore of the study about need theory. To further study on the theory of needs not onlyhelps build a scientific theoretical system needs and deepen axiological research, butalso conducive to human survival and development, and to develop the perfecthumanity, casting the perfect personality.The article first probes into the ideological Origins about the theory of needs, andanalyze the thought of need about Chinese history, the history of western philosophy,and Marxism needs theory, to get an overarching awareness the sources about thetheory of need. On this basis, the article determines the concepts of the need and thetheory of need, pointing that the need for people is a conceptional analysis of themissing or expecting conditions of the existence and development of the humancondition, based on the condition of social development and human development; theNeed Theory is the series of development process from the arising of assessment tothe assessment of the needs to achievement of the needs, which is also a vividcharacterization of the evolution of human needs. The article outlines the essential ofneeds: subjectivity, objectivity, practicality; and comprehensively summarize thecharacteristics of the needs: initiative and passive the unity, the unity of stability andvariability, social and natural unity; and elaborates the types of needs: current needsand future needs, the natural needs and social needs, the internal and external needs,real needs and false needs,individual need and community needs. Via the abovestudies, the article establishs a reliable basis for doctrinal and theoretical research, andclarifies the possibility dimension of the study about the theory of needs.The production of needs is the starting point of the needs’ theoretical system. Onthe one hand, the production of needs must be based on the objective existence of thesociety and the nature. Namely, the social economical, political and cultural factorscan affect the generation of the needs of people. On the other hand, the integration ofvarious factors such as “knowledge, emotion, will, ability” is also inseparable fromthe subject itself during the production of needs. Therefore, the process of theproduction of needs, is not only restricted by natural and social factors, but also influenced by the structure of itself.Needs’ assessment links the generation of the needs and the achievement of theneeds. This article analyzes the connotation of the needs’ assessment, pointing that theneeds assessment is a positive or negative judgment about themselves according tosome specific criteria of the subjects.; and summarizes the essence of needs’assessment: the need is an independent and objective exist, relative to the evaluationof the need, needs’ assessment is a subjective mental activity that links the generationof the needs and the achievement of the needs; and summarizes the structure ofneeds’ assessment: the evaluation subjects, the evaluation objects, evaluation methodsand other factors. Based on this, the article demonstrates the conditions ofestablishment of evaluation’s criteria: the needs of the evaluation subject is theinternal cause for establishing the evaluation’s criteria of the needs, and theobjectivity of the needs is the external cause for establishing the evaluation’s criteriaof the needs, and the practice is the main cause of establishment of evaluation’scriteria. simultaneously, the evaluation’s criteria of the needs are classified: individualneeds and group needs’ evaluation criteria, evaluation criteria and utilitarian needsand ethic needs’ evaluation criteria, requires needs assessment standards, practicesevaluation criteria and productivity evaluation criteria. Then the article elaborates theprocess of the evaluation of needs: first, establishing the purpose of the evaluation isthe soul and commander of the evaluation activities; secondly, accessing theinformation of the evaluation not only makes the evaluation purposes convert fromthe ideal to reality, but also provides strong factual basis for the formation of scientificevaluation results; Finally, measuring the different needs of the subject according tothe needs assessment information and getting an objective evaluation results give thetheoretical ground for achieving the needs of people.The realization of the need is the purpose of need theory and theme. In order tomeet the needs of the people, people should be reasonable to select their needs andtastes, By setting goals, the implementation of target, conclusion the target, thereasonable needs can be choosed. However, in the process of selection of the people’sneeds, there are many difficulties in reality. The factors which cause the difficultiesmainly include: the excess demand of subject, people’s lack of creativity, lack ofscientific and reasonable social system. It can be seen as followed: the conflictbetween the different needs of different subjects, the conflict between individual need and group needs, the conflict between infinite demands and the limit of the object.Asa result,to meet the all kinds of different needs to some degree,some principles andspecific strategies should be adopted to overcome these difficulties and problems.some principles include: Combined with the ideal and the reality, Combined with thesame and the difference, Combined with the value rationality and instrumentalrationality, Combined with the dominant needs and basic needs; these strategiesinclude: public opinion guide,adjustment of the interests,the system construction,moral self-discipline,psychological communication, improvement of ability and so on.By these strategies,different needs can be realised,and people can get free andall-round develpoment.
Keywords/Search Tags:needs, Need Theory, the production of needs, assessment of theneeds, realization of the needs
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