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Truth And Value

Posted on:2013-12-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330395958712Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is divided into six chapters.The first chapter investigates the four ways of thinking of the issue of the truth and the value. The first one is the theory of subject-object relationship. It is out of the whole concept, just focus on the abstract relationship between subject and object and its Definition of truth and value, and understand the truth for the correct understanding of the object, and the object of value for the subject, then further discuss what has become of the truth and value of existing relationships. This is a kind of things as the thing itself is to understand the intuitive. The other three ways of thinking are beyond the horizon of the subject-object relationship theory, and as a whole to understand the problem. The spirit of truth and value relationship as "absolute" spirit, and to understand the spirit of absolute truth is "knowledge" itself, so value is spiritual emancipation. It is not the correct conclusions, but it to all the links of dividing method proposed insightful. Living experience and relationship problems as the relationship of "survival" or "experience" to understand, and the former will point to the truth and value in people’s way of life. The latter will experience (" life "and" history ") established for many links, they formed a unity of truth and the problem of value and insights, due to the lack of all or correct understanding and structure of great limitations. It is said to replace the relationship between practice, practice "absolute", and in the Perspective of reference and transformed the spiritual relationship that way, the truth and value as a practice to understand. This paper is to play with and ways of thinking.The second chapter examines the value of the first link that value is based. Value basis is the human’s independent principle. Individual activities can not be the staring point to explain the principles of social life, from the principle of " universal legislation", the utilitarian principle of individual activities, happiness principle or the principle of need to just abstract things. The principle of "universal legislation" to the development of its basic component, the purpose is to develop the community. As social development, has both general regularity, its internal differences between the subject and contains. The development of the overall level and as high as internal differences unifies, constitute the general principle of social life.The third chapter talks about the conditions of value. Value can not be separated conditions, and the value is the condition of the use and creation. According to whether exist in the body, the conditions divide into the environment and conditions. Conditions and needs is the main activities of two basic elements. They have no independent form, is under way in certain activities while identifying down. Only through the various elements of the value of a certain way to realize the activity, the value of activity is the value of the form. Generally speaking, the value is way or the significance of life style.The fourth chapter talks about as value and the truth of the condition. Recognizing the value of activities must be guided. It is not only the body needs to know oneself, but also to know the understanding of conditions to meet the needs of, and the understanding of their activities to converge way of understanding. Understanding the meaning of value activities are in truth, it provides guidance is also its "reality and power". Truth in the essence and activity, it is inevitable for the content of the truth, it is the highest form of political science.The fifth chapter discusses value of the third part of the value (right) method. Right is not a direct result of objectivity, it is the will of the external existence, but will not arbitrary, but to objectivity, so as to ultimately right is decided by the method of objectivity. A lack of self-consciousness can not form the community with general will, just as the laissez-faire capitalism society. Although it maintain the appearance of the community, only is an imaginary community. The universal principles of social must be established according to oneself, the special interests and common interests of national unification, otherwise it will lose stability.The sixth chapter research value of the first four links of realistic value activities which results. Will as the main principle objective basis, by regulating activities, and seeks to promote subject of freedom and development. Will achieve their goals, activities of the value of its real results, not only the value of activities means the conclusive evidence, is also the understanding of the truth of conclusive evidence. Ultimate unity of truth and value of human activities is on the reality of being. People are seeking freedom and liberation beings, the reality of freedom and liberation links provided us with a history of division stage, to grasp historical development of different from the natural time scales-historical time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Truth, Value, Practice
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