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Alive In The Study Of Lankavatara-sutra

Posted on:2013-11-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y C h a n g S i e w E n Full Text:PDF
GTID:1225330395490003Subject:Religious history and culture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
All beings have lively and different consciousness thoughts, they perform to differ-ent actions and as a consequence there is the turning around in all the different courses of existence. None of these which is not made by the mind, whether it is brought about by cultivating wholesome or unwholesome bodily, verbal, and mental actions, they are not different sources from one another. When the mind is in formless, thus it will manifested in self-aggrandizement and harm others; on the contrary, for the wise ones, will all be upright appearance and those who will see them will not grow tired of them.In this study, I would like to try my sincerely intellectual rejoice languages, from the perspectives of historical actual occasion, ultimate concern of philosophy and culture, even that of religious sympathetic wisdom to vindicate in three stages:First in literature section, ought to understand practice and to study constantly in literature rules and regu-lations, and to bring beings to unshakable right view, escape from falling into the views of annihilation and eternity. Secondly follow by significance dharma’s section, with the right view and method which enables to cut off all sufferings of evil destinies. To protect one’s confidence, it is constantly, to recollect, to reflect on and to contemplate on the wholesome dharma to increase from thought-moment to thought-moment, without al-lowing the least unwholesome thought to mingle in.Confuse or realize is just a flash, most important password key is ’just quit’free from vexations such as habitual tendencies of lust, hate, and wrong views; transform to near the holy communities such as adorns the practice of action with morality, calm mindfulness and self-awakening noble wisdom. It is constantly, day and night, to con-template and to practice the wholesome dharma to increase from thought-moment to thought-moment, for the whole journey until the highest illumination. On the way of journey, it needs reserves such as cash on hand in our life bank. Thus, the third section of databank’An Appendix’is present.After adorns practice and train with noble wisdom diligently, mind rejoice greatly, received with confidence and put it reverently into practice. We will always well awake to all dharma, able to wash away all the bonds and latent tendencies, also will attain to the realization of the purified great illumination wisdom.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alive in Lankavatara-sutra(活生《楞伽经》), self awakening noble wisdom(Pratyatmarya-jnana自觉圣智), the five dhamas(pabca-dharma五法), the tree self-nature(trayah svabhavah三性), eight-vijbanas(八识), the two fold Non-atman(二无我)
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