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Song Ci And Jervois

Posted on:2012-12-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330368991418Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Song Ci, is the most enchanting section of literary, with the beautiful words to describe the exquisite affection, the sincere pure heart. In the Song dynasty,Jervois is "the heaven on earth", is the most incisively and vividly city full of JiangNan amorous feelings. When Jervois meet Song Ci, is paradise places ushered in the soothing sounds. SongCi and jervois, art world with realistic geography of the most time excessive intersection. Through the writers, this intersection completed. As the main way, the trace of writers in the SuZhou and HangZhou, it connected SongCi and Jervois. This article will first compare jervois in reality and the jervois described by Song Ci. Then,through comparing objective image and literature image ,we want to highlight the literature choice. On this basis, investigate and collect the trace of writers in Jervois.Anymore,reseach the trace of 115 writers to proof their mutual influence and function on Jervois. Article is divided into four parts.The first chapter is the Jervois image in the history. Article demonstrate similar aspects of SuZhou and HangZhou from two levels.In the song dynasty, Jervois became the "heaven on earth" together.It is the beautiful view,the flourishing economy,the Scholar meeting,the romantic love,the livable space.all of them attracted people to go Jervois. These five aspects paradise for the proverb“paradise in heaven, suzhou and hangzhou below are fully annotations. The third quarter to textual research the proverb, " Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzou on earth”.At last, we confirm"the sprout period ", "the deepening stage", "sure period" three stages.The second chapter comprehensive present song dynasty jervois "heaven on earth", on the basis of scenery by reality jervois turns into present in SongCi. With Bai Juyi the "memory jiangnan" Ci orderring for guidance, from the scene and sentiment two big angle to discuss. First, analyze the similar demonstrates in suzhou and Hangzhou as typical city in JiangNan. Then respectively in hangzhou and suzhou landscape wind-induced digging, and reseach the optional writing of SongCi. In the emotionalpart, emphatically from the palying ,gentleness and sentimental three aspects to show the the amorous side.The third Chapter and the fourth chapter reseach the trace in Jervois from the empirical and theoretical aspects respectively. The third chapter summarizes textual research in song dynasty 115 main writers in suzhou and Hangzhou. Also,the article summarized the tracefor original in Jervois , travelling, officials and living by statistics. The data show that the main writers all had been to SuZhou and HangZhou except LiZhiyi and Huang Tingjian . Based on the third chapter ,the fourth chapter research relationship among Jervois ,SongCi and writers from a theoretical perspective. Jervo provided for writers for space to enjoys a life . To Jervois , on one hand, as officials the writers do many things for urban construction such as FanZhongyan and Su Shi. On the other hand, as writers, they created works promoted Jervois fame.Their own personality charm and humanistic training for Jervois added a profound human breath, promoted the construction of city image. For hangzhou , Song Ci also recorded the city in the whole process of Song dynasty. Playing together realized the relationship between SongCi and writers interactive. Also,It was a main approach and creation motive to creat words.The main contribution of this article is the third chapter .The main research and collection from time and space angle, which enlivens the various relation between Song Ci andJervois . Allusion with objective facts have proved, ci and jervois ci and the interaction of suzhou and Hangzhou.Relations between SongCi and Jervois is objective existence. Don’t get bogged down in the place of origin, but with flowing vision tracking of writers. Let the trace of writers as a guider to connect the real landscape and words closely. Each of writer added together, is the whole development track in jervois .Finally the conclusion are the relationship between Song Ci and Jervois is not only the result of common choice, but also the miniature of relationshipbetween Song Ci and JiangNnan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Ci, Jervois, Ci-writer, trace
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