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A Study Current Acupuncture Development In Taiwan

Posted on:2008-03-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1224360218961801Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is a very key part of the prolonged Chinese historyand has been put into extensive application. In Taiwan today, nevertheless. There lackssystematic reorganization of the acupuncture development process in contemporary age.China was divided into two parts in 1949. Since then the traditional Chinese acupuncturehas been vastly differing from each other. Taiwan since the Martial Law was lifted,Western medicine development has been well recorded but the traditional Chineseacupuncture has not.The present study is, therefore, intended to probe into the process of the contemporaryacupuncture development. Through the assembled literatures, theories as well as relevantclinical data, the present study will effectively integrate the history of the contemporaryacupuncture in Taiwan to assure an overall probe into the history of the traditional Chineseacupuncture in Taiwan. The findings yielded from the present study will function asprecious reference for professionals in the traditional Chinese acupuncture in clinical,educational and research. The thesis will go through systematic assembling by means ofcollection of literature, on-the-spot surveys, on-the-spot interviews and the like.By means of data analysis, the present study will reflect a panorama of thedevelopment of the acupuncture therapy in Taiwan, including notably the backgrounds,methods, institutions, medical personnel, works, research, education, occupational economyas well as social positions. Through various analyses, we come to note that in terms ofacupuncture development in Taiwan, the acupuncture tools, categories of diseases to behealed, therapeutic methods, the academic thoughts, view points and achievements inpanoramic awareness. Further aiming at the problems that confront the contemporarydevelopment of acupuncture in Taiwan, the present study will offer the key and concreteproposals to boost the contemporary development of acupuncture in Taiwan. In the finalphase, the present study will aim at the acupuncture in Taiwan, the past, present and future,it will try to locate the interrelationship of the issues among themselves. Through suchprofound and systematic efforts, the Western medicine will effectively combine with thetraditional Chinese counterparts. The acupuncture in Taiwan will get well ready to link upwith the advanced traditional Chinese medicine throughout the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taiwan, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese acupuncture, medical history
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