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Research Of Regulating Qi And Expelling Phlegm Therapy And Its Application

Posted on:2016-06-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1224330464955961Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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Many diseases caused by phlegm, and also expelling phlegm is one of famous ancient doctor Zhu danxi’s important therapy theory. Body fluid flows with qi, and qi stagnation can cause body fluid stagnation, so it is important to regulate qi in the therapy of expelling phlegm. There are many classical theories about the therapy of expelling phlegm in ancient medical books, it needes to be sorted out and interpretated.In this article, based on the ancient medical books, the therapy of regulating qi and expelling phlegm will be discussed.And it contains two parts,theory and application.The summaries are as follows:1、In this article a broad category of the therapy of regulating qi and expelling phlegm will be discussed. By means of regulating qi and expelling phlegm to treat the phlegm syndrome which is caused by the disorder of qi, body fluid condensed into the phlegm.2、Phlegm and body fluid has homology,qi stagnation causes body fluid stagnation and makes it turn into phlegm. There are four major reasons as follows: failure of the spleen qi in transporting; failure of the lung qi in dispersion and descending; failure of the kidney qi in preserving; qi stagnation of Triple-jiao by wind accumulation.3、The reason why’All diseases are caused by phlegm’and’Strange diseases are caused by phlegm’is the homology of Phlegm and body fluid. Body fluid flows with qi through all parts of our body, once encounter with qi stagnation it condenses into phlegm.4、Phlegm stays outside of the zang-viscera, fu-viscera, meridians, collaterals, muscles, tendon and bones. It does the most harm to the human body, Especially staying in the diaphragm. This diaphragm refers to the area that below the heart but above the diaphragm.5、Phlegm staying in the diaphragm and dysfunctional activity of qi is an important pathogenesis of phlegm syndrome. There are three kinds of changes as follows:stagnation of qi; rebellion of qi and dysfunction in qi transformation.6、There are nine kinds of Regulating qi therapy,they are invigorating qi; activating qi;dispersing lung qi;lowering qi;clearing qi;nourishing qi;warming yang; breaking qi and dispelling wind. These therapies can be applied in combination with each other.Regulating qi, expelling phlegm and reinforcing the deficiency are also applied in combination with each other.7、Based on the platform of the four types of change of Functional activities of qi that is ascending,descending,exiting and entering,and the four kinds of pathological mechanism, the therapy of regulating qi and expelling phlegm is divided into the following nine categories, they are invigorating qi and expelling phlegm therapy; activating qi and expelling phlegm therapy;dispersing lung qi and expelling phlegm therapy;lowering qi and expelling phlegm therapy;clearing qi and expelling phlegm therapy;nourishing qi and expelling phlegm therapy; warming yang and expelling phlegm therapy; breaking qi and expelling phlegm therapy, and dispelling wind and expelling phlegm therapy.In order to illustrate the above treatment theories, the following style is dopted. It contains six parts, that is connotation, function, combined utilization, contraindications, classical prescriptions and classical medical records. The attached classical prescriptions and classical medical records of each kind of treatment method is to show how to apply the treatment theories.Through the discussion of this article, we can realize the close relationship between phlegm and qi, and the importants of qi on the pathogenesis and treatment of phlegm syndrome.And the above nine treatment methods can be used as the basic treatment methods in curing phlegm diseas.
Keywords/Search Tags:therapy on regulating qi and expelling phlegm, phlegm, body fluid, diaphragm, qi transformation, functional activities of qi
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