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A Study On The Soybean Industry Development Of Heilongjang Province

Posted on:2010-12-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360278453858Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Soybeans are our country's traditional export products, especially in the northeast soybeans are exported historically to many countries and regions. It is important food crops as well as oil crops, and it is still an important source of protein. Soybeans have played a very important position in agricultural production in our country, as well as in social and economic life. Our country is recognized as the country of origin of soybean in the world, with more than 5000 years of cultivation and consumption history, and its planting almost across the country. In the 1930s, China is the world's major producers of soybeans. China's soybean production accounts for more than 90% of the average annual share of world soybean. It is in the absolute monopoly status on soybean trade in the world. Since entering the 90's, China has gradually become a net importer of soybeans, soybean meal and soybean oil. The Soybean production ranks from the world's first place to the fourth, following the United States, Brazil and Argentina. Soybeans couldn't meet the social demand in our country. It need to be imported in large quantities as one of the few varieties. According to the prediction of "National food security and long-term planning (2006-2020)": During the "Eleventh Five-Year" period, China's soybean demand is rising for an annual growth rate of 3.49 percent, China's soybean import in 2007 reached 30.82 million tons, but also reached a record level. Because of 80% of food trading volume monopolized by transnational grain growers in the world, resulting in soybean pricing power wanes. Therefore, the uncertainties of importing soybeans speeded up the price change of soybeans , decreasing the stable development of China's soybean industry, weakening the enthusiasm of farmers' planting soybeans. Consequently, China's soybean production stagnated, improved slowly, gradually increased the degree of dependence on soybean imports. Heavily depending on imports of soybeans, not only China's grain security is threatened , but also China's soybean industry is faced with imminent collapse. Heilongjiang Province is China's main producing area of soybean, accounting for a third of soybean output and planting area in the country, being an important commodity grain base, shouldering to defend our country safety of soybean industry. Meanwhile, due to the special geographical and climatic conditions, Heilongjiang soybean plant has a comparative advantage, with 6,600,000 farmers or so, accounting for 33% of the agricultural population. The income from soybean production accounts for 30% of per capita net income of local farmers. The soybean industry development directly impacted on the economy of Heilongjiang Province , the promotion of new rural construction, as well as social stability in rural areas. Hence, it has great significance of the study of Heilongjiang soybean industry. Theoretical significance: With the research of the soybean industry development in Heilongjiang Province, setting up the soybean industry's basic theory, research framework, as well as the envisagement of the soybean industry development, at the same time through the analysis of the different areas of Heilongjiang soybean industry, it can provide a useful theoretical support and decision-making reference for soybean industry in China.Practical significance: In this study, it set up the theoretical framework of the soybean industry development, adapted to the requirements of our country's soybean industry development at this stage, which has lagged behind, and has been in urgent need of the industrial adjustment, helped to develop Heilongjiang Province's soybean industry development and economic revitalization. Specifically, the first, it is helpful to improve the income of soybean producers in Heilongjiang Province, to promote the social stability and agricultural structure adjustment in Heilongjiang. The second is in favor of Heilongjiang soybean production output as well as enhanced trade. The third is in favor of enhancing the international competitiveness of soybean processing industry in Heilongjiang and its industrial development,This article is mainly based on industrial theory, theory of comparative advantage and international competitiveness theory, adopting comparative analysis, industrial competitiveness assessment methods, standardized analysis and econometric analysis to Heilongjiang soybean industry supply, demand, circulation, processing, international trade, as well as issues such as export competitiveness. These research will provide a theoretical basis and objective for giving full play to comparative advantages, promoting the development of the soybean industry in Heilongjiang, as well as export competitiveness .Their specific research methods include: adopting production coefficient of resource endowment and location quotient factors clarify comparative advantages of soybean production in Heilongjiang; Through the comparison of Heilongjiang soybean export competitiveness determines the competitive potential of soybean in Heilongjiang; applying the empirical analysis to objectively reveal Heilongjiang soybean industry's basic conditions and its international competition situation, potential and direction of development; applying the normative analysis to China's soybean market, Heilongjiang soybean industry, as well as competitiveness in the international market for value judgments. This research should have a strong ethnic and national interests color. Finally, with the application of econometric analysis to build soybean supply and demand model, it explains the relevant economic variables and their changing inter-relationship, and to analyze its inherent policy implications.The thesis is divided into eleven chapters:Chapter one is the introduction , it expounds the purpose and significance of this research, domestic and international literature review and related research, research sources, the main research contents and research methodology and its possible innovations and shortcomings.Chapter two is the basic theory of the soybean industry development. Based on the concept of industry, this chapter has defined the concept of soybean industry , and in accordance with the operating characteristics of the soybean industry, summed up the characteristics of Chinese soybean industry. This chapter focuses on the status and role of soybean industry in our country's economic, in order to highlight the importance of the soybean industry. Finally, it elaborated and analysized the theories of soybean industry development, and specified theoretical base for the development of China's soybean industry.Chapter three is the world's soybean industry's development and learning from foreign experience. It mainly discussed the development status of the world's soybean industry, including the world's soybean production, processing and trade, focusing on an analysis of the successful experience of the soybean industry in United States, Brazil, Argentina , which guided the soybean industry development in China.Chapter four is Heilongjiang soybean industry's position and role in China. First of all, it described and analyzed Chinese soybean industry development process, soybean production, processing as well as trade position in the international market; secondly, the soybean industry in Heilongjiang, as well as in the country's status and role are analyzed.Chapter five is the production and supply analysis of Heilongjiang soybeans. It elaborated and analyzed the supply and distribution of Heilongjiang soybean, the product structure, as well as major factors which impact on the supply of soybean in Heilongjiang. This paper also predicted the supply capacity of Heilongjiang soybean through application of the supply function model.Chapter six is the consumption and demand analysis of Heilongjiang soybean. It elaborated and analyzed the overall consumption trends of soybean in Heilongjiang, urban and rural consumption, as well as the major factors which impact of soybean consumption in Heilongjiang. This paper also predicted the consumption of Heilongjiang soybean through application of the demand function model.Chapter seven is the circulation analysis of the soybean in Heilongjiang. It elaborated the historical evolution of the soybean circulation system in Heilongjiang, and analyzed the layout, channels and distribution points of soybean trade in Heilongjiang, pointed out the existence soybean circulation problems in Heilongjiang.Chapter eight is the analysis of Heilongjiang soybean processing. It described and analyzed soybean processing scale in Heilongjiang, processing level, and processing efficiency, pointed out the existing problems of Heilongjiang soybean processing industry.Chapter nine is the international trade analysis of soybeans in Heilongjiang. It elaborated soybean foreign trade situation in Heilongjiang, analyzed and summarized the existing problems of soybean foreign trade in Heilongjiang, as well as the free trade impacting on Heilongjiang soybean industry, pointing out the main factors impacted on soybean foreign trade in Heilongjiang.Chapter ten is the analysis of domestic comparative advantage and the export market competitiveness of soybean in Heilongjiang. The paper applied the comparative advantage model on the analysis of soybean regional comparative advantages in Heilongjiang, as well as the soybean export competitiveness, and further analyzed the deep reasons which influenced Heilongjiang soybean's export competitiveness . Chapter eleven is the basic ideas and suggestions of soybean industry development in Heilongjiang. In the above study, combined with soybean industry status in Heilongjiang, it put forward the countermeasures and suggestions of soybean industry development in Heilongjiang.Possible innovations of this research:(1) Innovation on research ideas and perspectives. In recent years, China's soybean industry has been influenced by the soybean import, has been almost at the brink of collapse. In order to save China's soybean industry, the experts and scholars researched from different points of view, most of them on the level of the whole country, more macro. In addition, the study is from a single viewpoint, mainly focus on the causes of soybean production plight, import and export trade, industry competitiveness and comparative advantage, hence it is not a comprehensive study of the overall industry. It is even more rare to study a particular soybean industry specified to the provincial area. Some of the study, which is on soybean industry in Heilongjiang, is lack of the depth, details, and also the comprehensive analysis. In this study, taking the entire soybean industry in Heilongjiang as the background, it conducts a comprehensive exposition from the viewpoints of production, consumption, processing, circulation, trade and competitiveness. It is more uncommon in academic circle.(2) Innovation on research methods. Applying the supply and demand function model, this research forecasts the future supply of soybean in Heilongjiang and demand of Chinese soybean. With the latest data and application of regional comparative advantage and export competitiveness models, it tests the comparative advantages of soybean in Heilongjiang and its export competitiveness in the international market.(3) Innovation on the content and conclusions. This paper seeks to innovate on the aspects of soybean production and supply, consumption and demand, processing, trade and circulation. Therefore, with the base of the field work, and the information collection, it obtained many rich real data, especially on Heilongjiang soybean circulation centers, the data are up-to-date and informative, the research is striving to be feasible among research findings and practical suggestions, it will be possible innovative response to Heilongjiang soybean industry development.
Keywords/Search Tags:industry, soybean industry, economic analysis
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