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Study On Spatial Organization Of Entreprise And City-Regions Space Reshaping

Posted on:2010-11-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q B WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360275994714Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With progress in globalization and new information,enterprise organization and urban-region are two units in the fastest development, and two important themes of many disciplines since the 20th century.So the dissertation will study them through finding their properties of geographical space, and explore their theories or empirical analysis to merging from each other, try to adopt a broad study framework that based on interraction of geography of enterprise and urban geography, so as to promote the study and research on the basic theory and provide certain valuable reference for the development of enterprise,city and region.Chapter 1 is introduction.Mainly introduces the study source and background, reviews of the theories and practice meaning of the research.Firstly,the paper will analysis the importance of the study on enterprise organization and urban-region in the process of Globalization and Informatization.Secondly,the theories' literature reviews the forefront fields of enterprise geography and urban geography,then focuses on the discussion about the theory of spatial division of labor,and points out that some shortcomings lies in learning from each other between disciplines in China.Finally,the dissertation describes the ideas and the framework of the research.Chapter 2 to chapter 4 are the analysis and conclusion to theories of spatial organization of enterprise and urban-regional structure. Chapter 2 comprises analysis of enterprise strategies, the evolution of enterprise structure and characteristics of enterprise organization in Information Age.The paper pointes out that Global Production Networks (GPNs) and enterprise clusters are two important forms.Finally,it reveals the characteristics of the spatial organization of TNCs and refers to East Asian emerging with global extension of GPNs. Chapter 3 summarizes traditional urban-regional research and the theories of World City/Global City/Global City-Regions,furthermore,it points out that the formation of Global city-regions is due to result of interaction between the local production systems and the production networks of TNCs. Finally,the paper elaborates theories of multi-center metropolitan area,post-modern city and the meaning of urban space.Chapter 4: The research on relevance of the spatial organization of the enterprise and urban-regional structure.Firstly,the paper introduces Hymer'model of the relationship between organizational and geographical hierarchies,the theory of spatial division of labor,and theory of GPNs,then refers to the analysis perspective of enterprise geography and urban geography in China.Secondly,it advances the theoretical framework of Global city-regions formation based on the spatial organization of enterprise,including GPNs and the local production systems.Thirdly,the discussion about location of corporate and regional headquarters is key part of the dissertation.Finally,it appraises the "headquarters economy"theory and points out that the importance of enterprise networks' advantage for the upgrading of urban functions.Chapter 5 reviews the development of enterprise groups in China and analyzes the characteristics of its in the current period. Although Chinese enterprises have achieved great achievements since Reform and Opening,but their strength and size are behind in world-class MNCs. Secondly,it researches the geographic concentration of top 500 enterprises of Chinese manufacturing industries, and points out that industrial concentration of the eastern region is gradually increasing.At the same time,through the analysis of 500 Chinese manufacturing enterprises' expansion,the paper found that the evolution of their organizations coincides in Chandler's M-structure theory about corporate. Chapter 6: A study on urban network based on the perspective of enterprise networks in China.First of all, the paper analyzes the constitution of networks of top 500 enterprises of Chinese manufacturing industries.Secondly,in case of electronics industries in the top manufacturing enterprises in China and the world's top 500, it studies the formation of Chinese urban network under the influence of corporate organizations' networks.Chapter 7: Analysis on headquarter location of top 500 enterprises of Chinese manufacturing industries.Through analysis on top 500 enterprises data of Chinese manufacturing industries, the paper reveals headquarter location characteristics of Chinese large and medium-sized enterprises, and explains the location factors of corporate headquarters in China.The study finds that top 500 enterpries of Chinese manufacturing industries concentrate in the three major coastal economic regions, including the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Shangdong province and Liaoning province, as well as the areas along the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.Corporate headquarters of mega-cities focus on the central districts, and economic and technological development zones.At the same time, the phenomenon of corporate headquarters relocation already arise in China, the main destinations are Beijing and Shanghai.The location factors of corporate headquarters include in urban economy,domestic and foreign investment,financial capacity, science and technology conditions, urban infrastructures and urban location.Chapter 8: Upgrading of urban function based on the advantages of corporate and regional headquarters' networks.The paper analyzes the development process from local city to international city in Shanghai.It points out that geographic location,domestic and foreign trade,the strength of urban financial and manufacturing are important to formation of international metropolis in 1930s.However, with progress in globalization and new information,upgrading of Shanghai function will be based on the urban networks' advantages derived from GPNs, and cooperate with the Yangtze River Delta region. Chapter 9 is the conclusion.It will conclude the theoretical achiemements and empirical analysis in China, and the last part of the dissertation will discuss some relevant issues and the direction in which further study will be carried on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spatial Orgnization of Enterprises, Urban and Regional Space, Reshaping, China
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