The robust control of open-loop thermal power torpedo propulsion unit now becomes one of the new branches in scientific research. This dissertation focuses on the research of control problems of structured parameter perturbation of the torpedo power unit which uses tri-componet fuel, and on the control problems of the start-up transition process of its power unit, and on the problems of real time mixed simulation of robust control system. Based on the thorough analysis of the technical scheme of the control system of open-loop torpedo power unit and the analysis of its characteristics, and on the establishment of its mathematical model, we have made the following contributions and findings: 1 ... A working model and statistical model have been established by employing respectively the methods of mathematical and physics derivation or experimental statistical analysis, thus forming a mixed nonlinear overall model of the thermal power unit which uses HAP tri-componet fuel. As a result, a variable-parameter state- space model of the thermal power unit has been set up. 2 This dissertation provides a thorough study of the open-loop characteristics of the thermal power propulsion system, and focuses on the analysis of open-loop stability under various circumstances, and on the relationship among different parameters and variables. 3~ This research offers the control rules of start-up transition process of power unit and has conducted open-loop combustion tests to verify them, based on the study of its control problem and on the repeated simulation analysis. 4.. Based on the study of large deviation data simulation of power propulsion system, this research offers the principles and methods of variable-parameters and real time mixed simulation for open-loop torpedo thermal power system. Furthermore, a real time and semi-physics simulation testing system has been established so as to test the mutual matching of different components in the system. This testing system has also laid a good foundation for the study of regulation and optimization of the structured parameters of its control system. 5.. In terms of the theory of quadratic stabilization under disturbance attenuation, this research has discovered that structured parameters perturbation exists in all matrices in state-space description. Therefore, it presents a new designing method for output feedback robust H~, control in general structured parameters perturbation system.6. Aiming at solving the sthectured parametCr perturbation in torpedO thermalpower unit which uses HAn tri-compoent fuel, we have derived the colltrOl rules ofrobust HJH, state feedback, and offers necessary and sufficient conditions for mixedHN, state feedback conifOl in the system. This result is considered as thedevelopment of Hm, control theory in structured perturbed multi-variables conifOlsystem with norm-bounded.7. Because of large and changeable working area for toopdo thermal powerunit and its nonlinear characteristics, this research has solved the problems ofcontroller speed change in its power unit condol system over the boundny of contrOlarea and of the colltrOl process across the boundare. As a result, a comPrehensivecolltrol system of torpedo thermal power unit has been designed. Aiming atcontrolling the nonlinear model of POwer unit, we have conducted simulation tests toverify its robust performance, servo tracking PerfOrmance and disturbance rejection.From the results of above tCstS, we have proved that this system has a large range,constan depth and fast sPeed change, and its sPeed can be changed While it is goingdown to a cehain dePth. wnle deePening down, it has a stab... |