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Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (sar) Simulation Studies

Posted on:2001-08-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1118360002950192Subject:Signal and Information Processing
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis had made an in-depth and systematical study of the principles,operations and some relative problems of the polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radarwhich is used for measuring the polarimetric scattering matrices of targets, based ontheoretical analysis and computer simulation. The major creative research results areas follows:l.) The operations of four kinds of polarimetric SAR had been analyzed. Includingalternate transmission simultatleous reception polarimetric SAR, alternatctransmission alternate reception polarimetric SAR, simultaneous tranmissionsimultaneous reception polarimetric SAR and simultaneous transmission altematereception polarimetric SAR. Therein, the principle of polarimetric SAR thatdivides retumd signals in freqUWy doman was described in mathematics for thefirst time. A new operation of polarimetric SAR was brough forward: theoperation of simultaneous transmission alternatC reception (including the twomethds of frequency division and signal coding division). The differentoperations of polarimetric SAR wee compared. Suggestions of how to choose anoperation were made.2.) The cross-poledZation isolation and the minimal cross-polariZation isolationwere defined and calculated fOr the frequency division operation. The limitation ofthe Mod of measuring scattering matrix through frequency division is pointedout that the correct results can not be obtained in many conditions because twocentral frequencies were used.3.) The definition of cross-polarization isolation for the signal coding divisionoperation was modified. The minimal cross-polarization isolation of this operationwas defined. Theoretical investigation on the isolation characters of this operationwas carried out in detail. TWO very simple computation expressions of the cross-polariZaion isolation and the minimal cross-polarization isolation were deduced.The computaion ekpressions show that the cross-polarization isolation and theminimal cross-polariZaion isolation were only funtions of time-bandwidth ABSTRACT product(compression ratio).The simulation results venfied that the two complll:stlon expressions re ngh过.4.)刀忙 M rehlril slgnsls models of polarlmetric SAR with four different operations were bunt elnt apet model and muk…k qets modd),让比 corresgonding slmulaton so什w盯e were co呷kted.Companng with iM simulatlonofs扣唱ie polan囚吐ion SAR,he polarlme勺口c charaCharaCters and the phase of tnyets,as well as he dlvlslon pproach of he retllnls of different polarizations (tllC dlVISIOll,reqdellCy dlVISIOfi Of Signal ldlllgdiVISIOO)OOSt be SSSldeld ill 山e simulation ofpolarimetric S**.he*Uynen parameters target model was aPplied to he simulation ofpoD口口me勺口c SARAR for0田 irst time.5一 he RanRange-Doppb im峪ng algorithms of polan皿tric SAR wth fow differe血 operations were stMled.The o推ets be加恍n lma驴 plxels ofdlfferem polari咖ion were co呷ens扯ed皿d good lin吗es and measurement results were obtained by reasonable choice of reference functions.6.)he ermr models of polarimetnc SAR with four different operations were built. gccodingto山esc error皿咖s,he me山ds ofcalculating脓幻腑ering matrix ofcorrespodlug polanlllCtflc SARwere proposed.7.)he formulas of polarlzaion spesls using scattenng matrix expressed In geometrlcalparametCrs werededuced.8.)他 mpasurement ermc mpllMe ermr W phase erroC which scab me ermrs of让旧 measured scttCttCnllg ma汀lx,were de6ned.The conception ofermr polarl口吐ion sign8I:[lre,which ws aPplledto scale the error ofpolarlZtZtron synthesis,was brougN fowrwr.TherebX a method ofanalyzingthe errors of measuredscttrttrn侣 ma沏口x趴d their e6比is on the polarization synthesis was given out.By this me让Dd,he errors ofmeasured scattering matrix which were Induced by让出 as"儿h...
Keywords/Search Tags:polarization, Synthetic-Aperture Radar, simulation, operation, isolation and error analysis.
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