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Education And Development Of Socialist Society

Posted on:2004-04-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360095957286Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the theory of scientific socialism originally created by Marx and Engles, education is the very important part of it. They thought highly of it very much. After that, in the course of socialism construction nearly 100 years, almost every Party in power and leader of socialist countries had also paid great attention to it. But a lot of countries, including China, didn't realize the status and function in the construction and development of socialism correctly for a long period in that course, so the socialism development lost firm foundation and mighty motive force. To study this very important issue of the theory andpractice of the socialism attentively -- the relation between the educationand the socialism society development has very important meaning.For thousands of years, China has accumulated plenty of education thoughts, formed profound education tradition and brought about many great educators. But in the course of rapid development of the capitalism, Chinese education became further and further from human civilization. After the creation of the PRC, the education of China developed greatly, pushed on the development of every aspect of the society. While the development of the education in new China is the same with the course of it full of difficulties. Since the middle of 1980's of last century, leading by the advanced countries, the education of many countries have developed greatly and pushed on by it, the economy and society also developed greatly. New technology revolution and knowledge economy have made education the focus of the competition among the synthesis state power. Without a powerful education, the state will be weak. So the third generation leadership group of the CPC have made sure the police of the state; " Education is the foundation of the state." " Put education on the very important strategy position and give priority to the development of it."Facing the rapid development and fierily competition among the world education, the serious problems and the challenges, we must think calmly, analyses deeply, quest bravely, try to find a road to progress, make the education of China develop greatly and step in the rank of the advanced countries. In the 21 century, with the strategy position of education becominghigher and more important, we must realize education from new aspect and view, study it as one of the core questions of the socialism theory and practice, in order to make it progress more rapidly and also the Chinese socialist society. The level and development orientation of Chinese education will decide on those of the Chinese modernization construction. Education is the base of the science and technology innovation.Building up the education system with Chinese characteristic to push on the economy, politics and culture development of China is the very important strategy task. Because of the realizing of the importance of education and the practice work feeling, the author selected this issue, trying to enunciate the relation of education and the development of Chinese socialism society, request the reform and development road of the Chinese education in the new century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development
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