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Commercial Retail Banking Study

Posted on:2003-09-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360065462053Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Retail banking was bom at the very beghng of cotnmercial banking, but itflourished in the 1970's. Many specialistS pot eyes on it while it was exPanding, andmany books were Published in westem country On the contrny, there are feWpaPers on it in China.In the access to WTO, China will have to open the wholesale banking and retailbanldng and give the faircomPetihon oPPortunities to the foregn commercial banksaccording to the most-favoured-nation clause. China is going to annul the restrictionof areas and clients to foreigh commercial banks, if they are dealing in RMB. Despiteof the cushion session, Chinese connnercial banks will never avoid rivalizing withforeign competitors. The Prob1em is only tiIne, and it wi11 be less than 5 years.Chinese commercial banks look Puny comParin to foreign banks because they havelarge caPital, marketoriotal philosophy, advanced tedrilogy and managemenexperience, while Chinese banks are baffied by the frameworks of system,managemeni level, caPitaJ scales and caPita strIJCtue. On the one hand, Chinesecommercial banks did not pay enough attention to the retail bankin in the long tenn,and the comPetence of retail banking is weak. On the other hand, the revenue andprofits declined with the dOwntrend of wholesale banldng. Therefore, it is imPeriousfOr Chinse connnercal banks to develop retai1 bankng to survive and bove thecomPctence.The charaCeristic and the contribution of this dissertation is as follows. Itsystematically studes the microeconondc problem of retail bankin from the pointview of macroecondrics, history and thcory fOr the first time. The visual ange isdifferen from the other acadeInic works on this topic. The dissehation Probes thetheory on fctail banking whie penwtg into the real-bill.theory, shiftabilitytheory, the atiopated income thcory, otc, pod forward the five hindranes fromretail banking table proPosals on how Chinese connnercial banks develop retailbankng and exoatiates on the marketin straegies, after investigating the social andeconomc background in Which retail bW developed. It sets fowh the proposinonto develop Iniemot retall banking.There are eigh chapters in the dissertaion.ChaPter one exPounds the basic concePts about the reail bchllg, such as what isrctail banking, What is the collted of rctail banking, What is the charaters of the rotai1banking and what is the tren of retail bankin. Retail bankin is defined that thebanking offered by commercal banks for individual cliens. It is differen from theWholesale banking. In order to clarify the definihon, the connotation of retail bbongis comPared with that of Wholesale banking and private banking. And thedevelopment tendency of retail banking is exPlored in this chaPter The currntincludes that the areas of the retail banking is exPanding, that electronic retal bankingwill subshfore ped of the tradhonal retail bwhng, ctc.ChaPter tWo exPatiates on the macroeconomc and mcroeconomc theory of the retailbbong. It involves in the theoretics baSs on Which the theory of the retail bankingIwas set up, the theory of risk-contrOl and innovation of edil banking. At first thetheory of the retail bwhng is discussed from the angle of deve1opmen of financialtheoretics, and analyzed its compact on the retail banking. Why the risks of retailbanking exist and how to evade is discussed in the part of the riskcofitrOl theory Andthe influence that the theory of financial iunovation and the theory of kemelcomPatence acts on retail banking is stUdied.ChaPter three illustrates the backgrOund that the retall banking developed. When theretail banking was growing, how the GDP increased, how the cornmercial banksdeveloped, and how the fotae mowted uP.ChaPter four eInPhases the descriphon of status quo of retail banking, and constrUesthe need and feasibility that Chinese cornmercal banks develop retail banking. thischaPter is divided into three parts. The actuality of retail banking in C...
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial
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