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Ancient China Remonstrance Culture And Systems

Posted on:2002-02-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360032956209Subject:Legal history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This essay is divided into Preface, Part One, Part Two and Part Three with 1 8,000words. The Preface gives a general introduction to some concepts, nature, characteristics and historical status that are related to the study of ancient Chinese culture and sy3tem of remonstrating with the emperor. It analyzes the distinction and connection between ancient Chinese culture and system of remonstrating with the emperor with modem western representative system ,administrative supervision and legal supervision system. It raises a point that the ancient Chinese system of remonstrating with the emperor is a mechanism of self -adjust, self -completion, self- perfect in autocratic monarchy by supervising the emperor through public opinion, which is guided by political view of theology and political view of remonstration. It also analyzes the connection between the culture and system above mentioned. Part One the Culture and Spirit of Remonstrating with the Emperor It narrates and commends on the process of initiation and development of the culture and the spirit. The author holds that the culture started from the legendary ao, Shun and Yu period and later sorcery culture.. The spirit of the ancient historiographer of writing down the truth leads to the spirit of the remonstrant of remonstrating with the emperor even at the danger of losing his life. The sorcery culture leads to a way of remonstration , that is od gives a warning The various schools of thoughts during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period enriched the culture. The great Confucian: scholar Dong Zhongshu of Han dynasty combined the Confucian thought and in Yang Wu Xing thought so as to make the culture perfect. The opinions of successive monarchs arid their subjects on remonstration constitutes the active element of the culture. Part Two the System of Remonstrating with the Emperor It narrates and commends on the emergence , development and decline of the system. The emergence of the system is accompanied by the birth of the states .The system matured with the mature of the autocratic monarchy and finally declined with the extreme of the autocratic monarchy. The system of full time remonstrant emerged from Qin dynasty, perfected in Tang dynasty, transformed in Song dynasty and terminated in Ming and Qing dynasty. The system of full time remonstration is the main trend of ancient Chinese system of remonstrating with the emperor.Part Three Reconsideration of the culture and system of remonstratingwith the emperorIt concentrates on the inevitability ,necessity , advantage and disadvantage of the existence and development of the culture and the system in ancient China. The culture and the system is beneficial to the self-perfect and development of the autocratic monarchy This is the premise of the existence of the culture and the system. However, the fact that the culture and the system are subordinate to the autocratic monarchy leads to the emergence of series of phenomena, such as the severe imbalance between the giver and receiver of the remonstration, the indefiniteness of the effect of the remonstration and the instability of the ways to remonstrate etc. The author , after second thought , comes to the conclusion that the system of remonstrating with the emperor adds enlightened characteristics to the ancient Chinese autocratic monarchy. Finally, the author suggests that we should take history as a mirror, make fully use of the experience and lessons of the construction of ancient Chinese culture and system of remon...
Keywords/Search Tags:Remonstrance
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