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Research On The Theory Of Marxist Re-establishing Individual Ownership And Socialist Ownership

Posted on:2013-02-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330371990056Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Re-establishing individual ownership is the scientific explanation of the future communist societyownership by Marx on the basis of in the in-depth analysis of the emergence, development, mature and theinevitable demise of historical trends of capitalist private ownership. The theory of Re-establishingIndividual Ownership has an important role in the theory of Marxist economics. The theory ofRe-establishing Individual Ownership was evolved as the Marx's critique of the capitalist mode ofproduction, and in a classic exposition in the first volume of Das Kapital. Marx's Re-establishingIndividual Ownership is the negation on the capitalist private ownership and negation of the negation onthe self-employed small private ownership. It is an ownership form of future production needs. Under thisform of ownership, all social workers own the means of production jointly, workers connect with theproduction of material directly and workers' status and ownership be achieved. For many years, domesticand international academic researched achievements of Marx's theory of Re-establishing IndividualOwnership. However, there was a big debate at the same time and focus on the mean of "Re-establishingIndividual Ownership". Many different and even opposing interpretations formed and seemed to be amystery, which was called the economics of "Goldbach conjecture". The practice of socialism in the formerSoviet Union and China, the error idea to equate the nature of public ownership and socialist countriesunder the traditional system was formed because the understanding of the theory dogmatic. It led to believethat public ownership in the traditional socialist practice areas bigger is better, purer is better. In practice,the extreme approach of eliminating private ownership completely and private ownership exist factors weretaken, which bring great difficulties to the country and the people. Since the reform and opening up, webroke through the error-recognition of socialist ownership under the traditional system in theory andexplore the form of ownership in practice, which to enrich and develop the theory of Marx'sRe-establishing Individual Ownership.This article shows that the reason of the differences among domestic academia on Re-establishingIndividual Ownership is not the theory itself, but the different understanding when the related writings ofMarx and Engel were translated into Chinese. Therefore, method of text analysis is taken in this paper, which trying to accurately the intent of the theory by examining the first volume German editionof Das Kapital. This is the basis for this paper, which is key and difficult points in the paper.The essential characteristics and the realization form of Re-establishing Individual Ownership arecome to in this paper by studying the Marxist classics and literature. The dominant position of the workers,the social workers of joint and individual workers ownership are the essential characteristicsï¼›Socialownership and cooperative ownership are the realization forms. Subsequently, the method of combiningtheoretical study and practice research is taken to investigate the traditional system of theory and practiceof socialist ownership, the experience and enlightenment of China's ownership reform since the reform andopening under the guidance of Marxist re-establishing individual ownership theory. Finally, the articleshould be guided by the rebuilding individual ownership of Marx Socialist ownership system reform.Finally, this paper considers that the reform of the socialist system of ownership should be based onMarxist re-establishing individual ownership theory.The full text structure is as follows:This paper can be divided into four parts.The first part is introduction. This chapter includes four aspects: First, the research backgroundand significance of this article are introduced; second,the discourse of the classic writers of Marxism athome and abroad for the re-establishing individual ownership is introduced and the discussion of domesticacademic and relevant literature are reviewed; third, the framework structure and research methods in thispaper are introduced; at last,innovation of this paper is introduced.The second part consists of Chapters I and II. The exact meaning of Marxist re-establishingindividual ownership theory, the essential characteristics and the realization forms are introduced in thispart. The formation of the theory of Marxist re-establishing individual ownership is introduced in Chapter I.In this Chapter, an investigation of Marx German version of related works and reference other translationversion as its foundation, the original intent of the theory is grasped accurately. Marxist re-establishingindividual ownership theory is compiled systematically. The basic meaning of ownership, individualownership and re-establishing individual ownership are inspected detailed. The formation process and conditions of the theory are reviewed in the chapter. The content of Marxist Re-establishing IndividualOwnership theory is introduced in chapter II. The essential characteristics,the realization forms andconditions are discussed in the chapter. This paper argues that the subject of re-establishingindividual ownership is the return to workers' ownership; the way is the joint ownership of the community;content is to achieve the workers' individual ownership. Social ownership is the general form of individualownership and cooperative ownership is a special form. The material basis of the social highly developedproductive forces, the organization of large-scale socialized production, the social conditions of personaldevelopment are necessary to re-establish individual ownership. The content of this part is answer to "{Whatis the reconstruction of individual ownership".The third part consists of Chapters III and IV. The theory and practice of traditional socialistsystem ownership and lessons and inspiration of socialist ownership since the reform and opening areobserved. The theory of Marxist re-establishing individual ownership compares with the ownership oftraditional socialist system in Chapter III. The theory and practice of socialist ownership under traditionalplanned economy and its relationship with Marx's theory are discussed in this chapter. The experiences andlessons of the traditional socialist ownership is summed up. The theory of Marxist re-establishingindividual ownership compares with since the reform and opening up in China. The development ofChina's socialist public ownership and the relationship between Marx's theory and the theory of socialistownership since reform and opening up in China is discussed in the chapter. The content of this part isanswer to "whether re-establishing individual ownership is realized in our country since1949".The fourth part is Chapter V. The direction of socialist ownership development at this stage andpolicy measures are discussed in the part. This chapter examines the conditions of re-establishingindividual ownership and the direction of reform as the basis for the socialist ownership, and then policyrecommendations are given. The direction of reform of ownership at this stage is reflected adhere to thetheory of Marxist re-establishing individual ownership on the basis of the essential characteristics ofMarx's theory. Joint ownership of workers should be established and ultimately to achieve thecomprehensive development goals of human freedom. To innovate and develop socialist public ownershipand its realization forms in the reform of socialist ownership is necessary and mixed ownership economyshould be developed vigorously. The content of this part is answer to "what should we do to re-establish individual ownership at this stage"...
Keywords/Search Tags:re-establishing individual ownership, socialist ownership, individual-owned, socialunion, possession in common
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