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Research On The Reception Of Ideology And Politics Education Viewed From Philosophy Hermeneutics

Posted on:2012-12-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330335465424Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the effects of ideological and political education depends on the reception of the target groups, research on the issue of reception is of great significance in the education. However, findings on reception purpose, reception capacity, reception influencing factors and reception effects are far from profundity in the present academic circle which is incapable of providing abundant theoretical supports for the creativity and grammaticality in the ideological and political education pattern. Philosophy hermeneutics, the practical philosophy on verstehen and interpretation, is targeted at researching verstehen from the dimension of ontology and is rich in verstehen theories, so borrowing and taking advantage of the philosophy will widen the theoretical vision on the reception research, upgrade the logical level, and provide scientific theoretical support for the creative pattern of ideological and political education.Guided by Marxism theory and enlightened by philosophy hermeneutics, the present dissertation has made a detailed research on the reception rules of the ideological and political education. The dissertation has not only probed systematically the elements, structure, psychological mechanism and process of the reception system in ideological and political education, but also made a practical research on the motivation, capacity, influencing factors and effects in the reception based on reality and centered around the educational targets. The main contents and key ideas of the dissertation are as follows:Partâ… deals with the connotation and systematic composition of the ideological and political reception. Starting from the research on the subjective verstehen of the instructor and the receptor, Partâ… puts forward that new transmitting medium and receiving medium should be complemented apart from the traditional vision of the receptional system. Referring to the principle of mutual construction in philosophy hermeneutics, this part expounds three relations of mutual interaction among the receptive object, instructor and receptive subject. Taking advantage of the dialogue theory in philosophy hermeneutics, this part argues that vision extension, dialogue, vision integration and externalized practice are four stages in the process of ideological and political education after studying the reception process of the education.Partâ…¡elaborates on the reception motivation in ideological and political education. Enlightened by the revealization from understanding the ontology significance of the philosophy hermeneutics, this part views that ideological and political education should enhance the receptors'willingness to accept by illuminating their motivation value. This part reveals that the key contemporary factors which undermine the motivation values are utilitarianism in traditional culture, instrumental rationalism thought, material-oriented social value, and knowledge-oriented education mode. This part attempts to improve the reception motivation in the education by ways such as improving the receptors'ethical pursuit, building a subjective equal relationship between teacher and student, stimulating the receptors'consciousness of problem, and enhancing the receptors' theory application ability on a basis of idiosyncratic existence.Partâ…¢has studied on receptors' pre-reception. Based on the logical analysis of one's prototype view in philosophy hermeneutics, this part has elaborated on the functions and influences of one's pre-reception in ideological and political education, holding that pre-reception is a presupposed element in the reception of the education. Meanwhile, this part has also analyzed the impacts on the construction and influence of pre-reception by traditional culture, market economic life, information life, daily life and so on. This part concludes by advocating that we must grasp a receptor's pre-reception and divert it to a favorable turn to his advantage.Part IV has tackled on educators'subjective interpretation. While interpreting the content in education, an educator cannot avoid his subjective verstehen. The key reasons may rest on factors such as the universality and value of the educational content, the educator's pre-verstehen, the interpretative nature of educational activity, the performative and constative features realized by linguistic medium. To conciliate the conflict, this part ends by bringing forward that we must firm Marxism belief, improve educators'theoretical bearings, reinforce the course administration of the ideological and political education, and strengthen the research and analysis on social ideological trend.Partâ…¤has gone into the interpretation impacts by family society. Family society has also been exerting subtle influences upon the family members'receptional results of ideological and political education by its verstehen and interpretation activities towards the world, the life, and the mainstream ideology. The family society interpretation is featured by activeness, subjectivity, versatility, popularity, and practicality orientation. Consequently, we must guide and exploit the family social interpretative activities by taking advantage of Internet culture, implicit education and so on.Partâ…¥has expounded the creative verstehen in ideological and political education. As a result of the nature of the receptive object's value, the receptor's activeness and the influence of pre-reception, the creative verstehen and the vision integration are the authentic effects in the reception of ideological and political education. In light of the principle of mutual subjective and objective construction, the creative verstehen demonstrates its positive significance, for example, it can help to perfect the development of ideology, and promote the development of the receptor's personality.
Keywords/Search Tags:ideological and political education, reception, philosophy hermeneutics
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