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Novel Ontology

Posted on:2009-12-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360272459274Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 1850s, Ontology has developed some new methods such as intuition, experience, poetic thinking, etc. These methods are different from the traditional speculative ways, but are similar to literature. Hence it leads to the trend that metaphysical thinking model "Subject-Object Dichotomy" has been gradually transcended. This dissertation is firmly set in this theoretical background, taking the Literary Ontology as intermediary agent, and makes an attempt to construct the ontological research of fiction. In the modern view of post-metaphysics, the ontological research of fiction focuses on the process that existence emerges in fiction. This process embodies a dialogue between fiction and existence, and it is nothing but the existential way of fiction. We call it the existence of fiction. This dissertation absorbs the theoretical achievements of conscious philosophy and deconstructive philosophy in the 1900s, and embarks on the relation between consciousness and language, approaching the existence of fiction as dynamic exchange between imaginary consciousness and metonymic language. In this exchange, a new world of multi-layers of emotional logic that surpasses the realistic world is created out of the imaginative activity under the guide of reason. It is a world that sheds light on the objective existence of profound humanistic concern. This dissertation has eight chapters. It is supposed to put forward a theoretical basis for the seeking of better future prospects in the new century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ontology
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