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Young Through The Guitar Study

Posted on:2008-03-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360215951196Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yang Yun-ji was a famous writer in Wuzhong area in the middle of Ming Dynasty. His opinion of literature and his own writings exerted a great influence on the other writers in his hometown. The study of Yang Yun-ji's opinion of literature and his writings can help us to understand the structure, the evolvement of his opinion and the style, the level of his writings directly. Also, it can help us to grasp the flow and characteristics of Wuzhong literature in a further degree. After reading Yang Yun-ji's writings, we did a lot of research on Yang's all life and his social intercommunication, his opinion of literature and his writings. At last, we made a comparison between Yang and his countrymen in order to get some comprehensive and profound conclusions.Yang Yun-ji was a macrobian, but few people knew the experience of his life. So we did a detailed study on that. According to the result of the study, we corrected some recordation of Yang's experience in many books. We also did some research on his political life and made a specific conclusion that he was forced to retire at the end of that period. There were many reasons for his retirement, sickness was only an excuse. Yang was such an easygoing and eccentric fellow, that made him unwelcome in his social circle. He had lots of political dreams, but the dreams were also very adventurous regicidal. So many officials began to envy and hate him. Finally, Yang had to hang up his spikes and left Beijing disappointedly. In 1520, Yang stayed a short time with the emperor. After making a clear distinction between so many materials, we thought that it was Xu Lin who recommended Yang in front of the emperor, but not Zang Xian. Yang Yun-ji wrote a lot of books in his life. Unfortunately, many books were lost for all kinds of reasons. By consulting different materials, we found that there are 58 volumes books and about 60 articles left. On the base of the study on Yang's experience, we thought that PengXuanBieJi was not written by Yang.Yang Yun-ji had many friends. When he was young, he had two teachers, one is Liu Chang, and the other is Chen Sui. Liu Chang's teacher was Gao Qi who had a very high status at that time. So we found that Yang and Liu formed an important tache in the flow of Wuzhong literature. Liu's eccentric personality and Chen's literature taste influenced Yang much. After the imperial examinations, he turned into an official and began to affiliate with the other officials who also came from Wuzhong. Their friendship was regionally. At the same time, Yang communicated with some other writers who belonged to Chaling clique. Their opinion of ancient prose and poem also affected Yang. After his retirement, he stayed the rest of his life in his hometown. He and his friends Zhu Yun-ming, Wen Zheng-ming launched a literature movement which was vast and mighty. They called on that writers should learn from the ancient prose and poem. But the movement failed at last because the writers were so dispersed and unattached. At that time, Yang was the oldest man among them and he also had a high social status and a good report, he should toe the mark for the failure of the movement.Before 1476, Yang Yun-ji claimed that the poets should learn from the ancient writers and their great works in his poetics. And they should also comply with the basic principles of the ancient poem. Yang thought that Du Fu was a crackerjack in the Tang Dynasty and they should read more works written by the poems who lived in the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty. Yang also thought that the writers who lived in the middle of the Tang Dynasty were excellent as same as the writers just like Du Fu. Thenceforth, Yang's poetics changed obviously. He began to call on that poets should express their feelings to the top of their bent and should abandon the cockamamie principles of the ancient poems. Yang's poems were very ecumenical. He liked to discuss some problems in his works and most of his poems were vulgar indeed. Of course, some of them were very treacherous. In the former time of his writing, Yang attached much importance to the moral meaning of the prose. So he canonized Han Yu and other writers who had the same literature intention with him. Yang applauded the tradition of Wuzhong literature and also liked the gorgeous prose in the Six Dynasties. The style of his prose was variegated, but some of his prose was mendacious. In a word, his prose was also ecumenical. Yang canonized some poets who lived in the middle and late of the Tang Dynasty and he also liked some poems written by the poets who lived in the Song Dynasty. His treacherous opinion exerted a great influence on the Gong An clique.As same as the other writers in Wuzhong area, Yang Yun-ji's personality was very eccentric. But the eccentric personality couldn't connect with his treacherous literature opinion directly. His eccentric personality was privy. His literature opinion didn't have a holistic idea and any long views. Yang Yun-ji and Zhu Yun-ming were two close friends, but their literature opinion was widely divergent. This showed us a divertive character of Wuzhong literature. Provisionally, we named the character as compatibility. The compatibility of Wuzhong literature made it possible for the local writers to participate in the literature thought of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, Yang was unworthy of the name or the title. This showed us another character of Wuzhong literature, which we called collective safeguard. In the middle of Ming Dynasty, many local literature forms met a booming spring. In order to defend their 1 honor which had last out for a long time, the writers in Wuzhong area decided to resist other local literature forms. So, they began to flaunt their own writers. When they commented on Yang and his works, they inevitably enhanced his achievements in literature.
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