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Theory Reach On The Book Of Poey

Posted on:2007-01-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360185451912Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In ancient China, The Book of Songs (《诗经》) had very compact relationship with the music and dance. There was highly advanced music and dance culture which was regarded as a part of religion activities in ancient time. The Book of poesy was used in these amenities as songs. Which this was very important to producing of the poets.Originality ballads were headwaters of the Book of Poesy. No matter its style or ideas had deep effect on this book. Synthetic arts included poet, music and dancing, were carriers of culture sprits of ZHOU(周),which had been created on the base of preceding sprits and opinions of YIN(殷)It began on study of The Book of Poesy during the Spring and Autumn period. And it was greatly hastened while Confucius began to teach students with the classical Confucian works. To the Book of Songs , the most important thing was being used in many ceremonies and rites in this history age. As while many idealized things were added to this Book, so as to blazoned forth civil characters apd martial results to previous Kings of CHOU (周) . And this tropism was rout sign to the study on this Book. For example, Ji Zi, a King' s son of WU GUO(吴国) had seen the Poesies performance in LU GUO(鲁国),and he commented on the Book for its music style and preferred his opinion. His view was representative idea of this Book, and was maid thoughts of this Book about its historic and political domestication.Latter on Confucius put forward his systematic theory on poets, on the foundation of benevolence and courtesy opinion. Confucius thought that there were no evil opinions in the songs of the Book of Poesy. And the songs in this Book could be used in occasions of political and rite ceremony. These were theory foundation to latter thoughts.The BAMBOO LIPS OFR WRITING (竹简) that were brought back by Shai Hai Museum, in which there were Confucius' isms of the Book of Poesy, enrich his theory in this fields. This was a big step for the theory on the background of humanity theory in Zhanguo(战国) peorid.In Zhanguo(战国) peorid, the main scholars on the research of the Book of Songs were Mencius and XunKuang(荀子). Their theories was put forward on the humanity theory of Zhanguo(战国) peorid. But Mencius thought that humanity is kindness, so he thought if only can preserve this kind humanity everyone could be a saint. And study of classical works was the only way to actualize the aim. XunKuang(荀子) put forward his theory on the base of evil humanity theory.He thought that the humanity is evil, so we must study the laws and justices,to restrict people' s humanism so that we can maintain common order of society. To attain this aim, his method was the same to Mencius, that was to study of classical works. So either Mencius or XunKuang(荀子) thought that study of the Book of Songs is an important step to be a man keeping the peace.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Book of Poesy, sprits of culture, historical domestication, political domestication
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