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On Guigu-tse's Of Incor-rectly Dated Or Dubious Authenticity And Value Of Literature

Posted on:2005-03-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F H XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360122491874Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In preface, we look back on the course of the academic research of the Guigu-tse, introduce academic discussion about Guigu-tse; academic research achievements on Guigu-tse. There are three stages: First, from Wei Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, academic reserch form are annotation, prepare commentaries and punctuation for a work, monographic study and sift edition. Second , from the year 1912 to 1976, reserch focus their attention on basic document, the scholar have Qian-mu, Yujia-xiang and Gu-shi so on. Now is the third stages, academic research on Guigu-tse has entered a new stage. A lot of research paper publish, academic discussion has often been held, international academic exchanges is now in the ascendant. The scholar have Lixue-qin, Xiaodeng-fu, and Zhengjie-wen so on, There are more and more people like Guigu-tse.The thesis main body have 180,000 words. It consists of 9 chapters. We study Guigu-tse on incor-rectly dated , forged , or attributed to a wrong author, how compiled and edited, and value of literature.About incor-rectly dated , we hold that Guigu-tse is a book of the Warring States. In the first chapter, we prove the viewpoint from historical documents. Most of scholars Since Liuzong-yuan who was lived in the Tang dynasty think Guigu-tse is a forged book, because Guigu-tse isnot recorded by the descriptive accounts of books in the Eastern Han dynastical histories , which is written by Ban-gu. There some research workers consider the Guigu-tse is writen by Su-qin, Who is Political Strategists in the Warring States Period, and a follower of Guiguzi. Forged book is not correct. It record or not can not as a evidence the descriptive accounts of books in the Eastern Han dynastical histories, because it don't record all books in Warring States. On the basis of Records of the Historian written by Sima Qian of the Han Dyuasty, and Shuoyuan which written by Liu-xiang, who is also the Western Han Dyuasty scholar, Guiguzi and his book are exist in the Warring States. In the second chapter ,we explain our position based on unearthed artifacts, including bamboo slips and silk, such as books copied on silk form Mawangdui, bamboo slips form Guodian, Hubei Province. The books from unearthed artifacts belong to the Warring States .We consider that Guigu-tse is earlier than the bamboo slips and silk. In the third chapter ,we check the Guigu-tse against the Dengxi-tes, Guangzi and Zhanguoce, which they are regarded as books written in the Warring States. We find Guigu-tse is also earlier than them. In the fourth chapter ,we analyse the history of the the pre-Qin times ideological, and sum up the main ideas. We find Guigu-tse have this ideas.It is a scientific method to use the theory of phonology distinguish a book the true form faise. In the fifth chapter, we make use of the theory of phonology form Luochang-pei and Zhouzu-mo. They reach a conclusion which they have drawn form numerous books, it is a book regarded as the the period pre-Qin times books if only the book is satisfied with the four requirments on phonology: separate Hou Bu form Yu Bu ; separate Wei Bu form Zhi Bu; separate Wen Bu form Zhen Bu; separate Shu Bu form Zhi Bu. The Guigu-tse tally with this. All of this prove Guigu-tse not forged.As for author, Guigu-tse is not writen by Su-qin. Su-qin has Suzi, not Guigu-tse. We hold that Guigu-tse's auther is Guiguzi and his follower. We make textual criticism about Guiguzi some questions: which country he is from, what his life story, where he live in seclusion as a hermit. We think that Guiguzi have been a scholar in Jixia, a schools of thougut come into being in Qi feudal states. Later he live in Guigu as a hermit where lies in southeast of Luoyang city, Henan Province. As a place name, Guigu is a mountain valley where the Gui nationality have liven. His follower has Su-qin, Zhang-yi, but some people hold that Sun-bing and Pang-juan are also his follower. I think Wei-liao,another strategist in pre-Qin times, is his follower.Guigu-tse is one of the various schools of thougut and their exp...
Keywords/Search Tags:Incor-rectly
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