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Zhang Wei Novel Writing Theory

Posted on:2012-07-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115330332991121Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Zhang Wei is undoubtedly the most outstanding contemporary Chinese, but also one of the most controversial novelists. From 1980's "Dada wife," beginning to 2010 "you on the plateau," a long series, a total of eight hundred million words published novel, with its rich and diverse forms of meaning, causing critics attention. "Ancient Boat" was published, almost every novel, Zhang Wei came all the controversy caused by critics, the dispute focused on the theme of his novels contain level, in particular he appears to waver, but in fact adhere to the humanistic feelings, ( This is called "Zhang Wei-style humanism"). "Zhang Wei-style humanism" is thought in the era of progress or retreat, critics have different opinions, the most fundamental differences arise due to be urban civilization / country of civilization and modern civilization / civilized binary traditional mode of thinking by the arrest of vertical caught and restrictions, the position of the intellectual elite / folk position, urban civilization / rural civilization, enlightenment / stick sharply against each other, ignoring their common ground and middle ground. This tends to make things simple, stylized. In fact, the so-called modern civilization is not a cure, the established and static, on the contrary it should be open, mobile, development, and requires active participation of the modern sound; modern civilization and traditional culture, urban culture and rural Civilization is not sharp either-or antagonistic relationship to "people" healthy and positive development is concerned, they are essentially interlinked. In particular, the establishment of modern civilization in China, not only to absorb the experience of Western civilization, but also inherits the advantages of traditional Chinese civilization and long. Of modernity and cultural transformation in the pretext of the market economy and the secular trend in the value of the basic identity adopt a stance is likely to be lost art of the negative tone of realism. Zhang Wei of the times non-stop thinking and exploration, to learn from the multi-dimensional spiritual nourishment, trying to build the human spirit and moral ideology, in part, on building our modern civilization and enlightenment, of humanity on a deeper building also has a positive meaning.In this paper, systematic, comprehensive and carefully read all the novels, after Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei has always been considered a man of generous feelings of human compassion of the writer, the novel has always been tireless in his attention to the human and social development, expression of contemporary social concerns and melancholy. In the paper, I passed on the novel of Zhang Wei, the phenomenon of modern society (such as industrial civilization, modern fashion, sexuality, materialism, etc.) and colored people (mainly the intellectuals and the different age groups) of the study, that as Zhang Wei A socially responsible writer, his works always have the moral dimension of humanism. Zhang Wei different times in the novel the potential for physical and mental illness symptoms and causes of the persistent attacks and diagnosis, and from the lessons of history and traditional culture, spiritual nourishment, proposed the "Earth" (that is, the spirit of the land), the spirit of the plateau and other metaphysical ideas, trying to force the spirit of humanism and humanitarian return of the Enlightenment as a guide morbid society and the Progressive Era and a path.The first chapter, Zhang Wei style humanism. This chapter discusses the "Zhang Wei-style humanism" and Its Evolution, construction mode and its significance and limitations. Section novels by Zhang Wei, the order as a clue, humanistic concerns in different stages of its creation presents some of the common or innovative spirit point of view. Zhang Wei, Construction type II pattern reflected in the critique of humanism and build two levels, it is the object of criticism both traditional feudal patriarchal clan system and the extreme leftist ideology and the ideological legacy of routes, including 90 since the economic or business utility doctrine. Zhang Wei-style humanism, mainly in the construction of three dimensions: the historical level of history and re-examine the essence of traditional Chinese culture to learn, etc.; practical level, through the civil life of the original ecological state of the show, dig the spirit of civil society; at the metaphysical level, and that the "earth" concept, including natural, home, garden, fields, vineyards, land and other earnest attention. Section III, following the secular culture of Zhang Wei and the humanistic spirit of attitude clarification, to clarify in this section focuses on Zhang Wei of cities and villages, and modern attitudes towards sex in order to be more objective and comprehensive understanding of Zhang Wei-style humanism content Its value and limitations of modern society.Chapter II, the shadow of modern city and township. By Zhang Wei novel about science, technology, fashion and industrial civilization discourse study, describes this argument: In the novels, Zhang Wei has always been concerned with technological progress, industrial development, the impact to human beings, he stood Humanities Marxist point of view, the social development of the productivity role in promoting human values, human survival significance given full recognition, he did not simply deny the existence of technology and materialism objectivity, and no man regarded as metaphysical abstract objects, but in the social and material and human unity of social existence, and actively explore not deceived as the true "people" value their own existence complex and rich body, so it is driven by science and technology for the instrumental rationality for criticism and deconstruction, to give positive affirmation of the value of rationality; the consumer society, the modern business and modern media in the pursuit of the interests of the popular hit during the individual life style, social values and literary arts, the harm to give sharp satire and criticism ; through the "Hedgehog Song" that is "interpreting" the spirit of modern living picture of the text interpretation of allegory, showing the poetic ideal of Pure Land - rural areas, the pollution in the modern industrial and commercial expansionism and the destruction of their homes under the myth of the collapse of bank runs tragedy, and the age of materialism, vent doctrine, no bottom line was decisive and the spirit of Marxism resistance.The third chapter, "home" of the absence. Zhang Wei pen on the pastoral - the real heart of the pastoral and the pastoral exposition, and his novel "Home" in the industrial civilization and the strong erosion of power and money becoming a "wasteland" of anxiety and concern, through the Homeland " Earth, "one begins to touch, feel, and again witnessed, recorded and witnessed the evil and ugly, against the unspeakable grief and loneliness, and feelings are constantly hit by love, and explore and touch simple. Zhang Wei stick to rural and wilderness, is not a simple fact that the plain meaning or the mountain, but a man and nature, harmony between man and the natural world the spirit of philosophy, is simple and friendly and between people and live in harmony classical ideal communication model, eliminate some of the hubbub of modern industry and the contamination caused - to the spread of materialistic hedonism, utilitarianism rules and short-sighted behavior. Chapter IV, clean spirit and discipline of the body. Through various "pan-sex advocates," the description and evaluation, Zhang Wei to play on women and sex for the purpose of physical pleasure to be refuted, for the soul and passion into the "universal love" and who is understanding and tolerance, he admired is sexual gratification, the mind fit love. Sex in a different narrative, to give us the biggest revelation is: Sex is a human instinct, but also the soul desires. Where the desire must have its goodness and evil. For human nature, we must deal with fair, honest must feel wary. Meanwhile, people living in the community, the sex is not only individual behavior, sexual behavior has far-reaching impact of individuals and groups, if the mere pursuit of the body's natural adaptive, eventually ran into the nothingness of demons and monsters.Chapter V, intellectuals in Taipei. Zhang Wei intellectuals has been the object of great concern, and he described in a number of novel types of intellectuals, Zhang Wei in order to convey the views of intellectuals, such as the role of intellectuals, the fate of intellectuals, knowledge and power , the relationship between materialism, humanism care and so on issues of concern for many years he conducted in-depth thought and discussion. This chapter sequence of time, roughly divided into war, the "Cultural Revolution" period, the eighties and nineties after four sessions, to analyze, sort out the different types of intellectuals in the era of complexity, trying to explain Zhang Wei intellectuals in the novel's exposition. Also particularly concerned about the "writer in exile," Zhang Wei novels such common, special intellectuals, who lives to write, with real life experience rather than abstract way to explain the knowledge and freedom content, and intellectual dignity.Chapter VI, women·youth·children. Zhang Wei's novel concerns the different groups of people, by women, youth, children at different times, different areas of common experience and the pain and misfortune of the attention, to convey in full swing in this world to carry out the Feast, the desire for power, materialism and sexual drive straight, a direct result of those poor people on the margins of the "survival of the pain." This also implies that we have: any era and country, has always been to destroy the spirit of the root causes of corruption; no amount of wealth will inevitably end up in poverty, it will not prevent the breeding of a large area of evil.Conclusion. By Zhang Wei clarify conservative or radical identity positioning controversy, comprehensive and objective evaluation of Zhang Wei, the significance of the contemporary literary scene and limitations.Articles by Zhang Wei also classic interpretation of the text, clearer, deeper interpretation of the "Zhang Wei-style humanism" of the content. Zhang Wei was beyond poetry and idealism salvation material in an increasingly noisy and lonely times seem lonely, Zhang Wei-style redemption humanist spirit of frustration with the Sisyphus-like, but as a spiritual or faith remains for our times and the nation has a clear and positive inspiration. Because "Zhang Wei has always been a writer and a humanist ideal refused to confluence with the secular world of the warrior spirit. He is a scholar, but he is a fighter, but first and foremost a soldier." "His defense of faith, morals, ideals and the tireless cries, cry, even if the inevitable tragic Church Quixote-style, but also still a strong personality and soul with its power driven a human soul."...
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Wei, Novel, Humanism
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