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Lung Surface Active Substances And Lung Transplantation For Pulmonary Protection Experimental Research

Posted on:2008-04-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114360218956124Subject:Cardiovascular Surgery
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Establishment of isolated rabbit lung reperfusionmodel in rabbitsPurpose: To prove the isolated rabbit lung reperfusion model inrabbits is simple reliable and inexpensive. Method: 18 rabbits wererandomly divided into 3 groups, LPD fluid group, EC fluid groupand normal control group. The isolated lung transplantation andreperfusion model were established, blood gas, mPAP, PAWP, W/Dratio and the histo-pathological changes were examined. Result:There were no statistical differences in pH, pO2, pCO2, and Hb.Conclusion: The isolated rabbit lung reperfusion model can deliverconstant systemic venous blood at stable physiologic parameters tothe ex vivo lung block.The effect of different pulmonary preservative fluidon the pulmonary surfactant of the donor lungPurpose: To study the effect of different pulmonarypreservative fluids on the pulmonary surfactant production of thedonor lungs after isolation and reperfusion. Method: 18 rabbits wererandomly divided into 3 groups, LPD fluid group, EC fluid groupand normal control group. The isolated lung transplantation andreperfusion model were established. Pulmonary surfactant inalveolar lavage fluid after reperfusion; blood gas, mPAP, PAWP,W/D ratio and the histo-pathological changes were examined.Result: The ratioes of DPPC over total phospho-lipid (TPL) in theLPD group and the EC group were higher than that in the normalcontrol group. The ratioes of DPPC over TPL in the EC group werehigher than that in the LPD group. The ratioes of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6,IL-8 over total protein (TPr) in the LPD group and the EC groupwere higher than that in the normal control group; The ratioes ofIL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 over TPr in the EC group were higher than that in the LPD group. These changes are consistent with PO2, PCO2,mPAP, PAWP, W/D ratio and the histo-pathological changes.Conclusion: LPD fluid has better pulmonary protective functionthan EC fluid; some components of pulmonary surfactant couldserve as the markers for measuring the pulmonary injury duringpulmonary protection.The effect of pulmonary surfactanton the pulmonary preservationPurpose: To study the effect of pulmonary surfactant on the普pulmonary preservation. Method: 24 rabbits were randomly dividedinto 4 groups, PS given before reperfusion group, PS given 15minutes after reperfusion begin group, reperfusion group no PSgiven group, and normal control group. The isolated lungtransplantation and reperfusion model were established, blood gas,W/D ratio were examined. Result: PO2 during the first 15minutesafter reperfusion begin in group A and D were statistically higherthan that in group B and C. There were no statistical differencesbetween that in group A and D, There were no statistical differencesbetween that in group B and C. PO2 after reperfusion begin15minutes in group D were statistically higher than that in group A,that in group A were statistically higher than that in group B, andthat in group B were statistically higher than that in group C. Therewere no statistical differences for PCO2 in the 4 groups.Conclusion: Pulmonary surfactant could be favor to the pulmonarypreservation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transplantation
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