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Compartmentalisation And Mechanism For Construction And Evaluation Of Avian Influenza Free Compartments In China

Posted on:2012-05-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1103330335479582Subject:Prevention of Veterinary Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zoning and Compartmentalisation are currently international common practices for animal health management. As a novel concept proposed by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in 2003, compartmentalisation is especially appropriate for such diseases as Avian Influenza (AI) the entry of which is difficult to control by taking boundry control measures. In the circumstance that an animal disease is not eradicated in an entire country or region, the implementation of compartmetalisation could contribute to a functional speration between a specific animal subpopulation and other subpopulations with different animal health status through biosecurity management and good husbandry practices, which shall facilitate disease control and maintain trade in animals and animal products. We studied systematically the theory and technical measures of compartmentalisation for the first time in China. Started from the OIE's principles and requirements associated with compartmentalisation, with reference to the practices and experiences of application of compartmentalisation for AI in Thailand, the European Union (EU) and the United Kindom (UK), together with China's methods and manners for promoting the establishment of disease free zones, the needs, feasibility and foundation for China to implement AI compartmentalisation were analysed, and the modes, measures, criteria and requirements for building and recognizing AI-free compartments were discussed and studied. In addition, a pilot construction of AI-free compartment was carried out. We created the concept specific disease free enterprises based on the OIE's concept free compartment, and explored and developed the mechanism for the construction and evaluation of AI-free compartments, which has a great significance for promoting the development of modern animal husbandry in China, for it not only provides a new idea for China's prevention and control of AI, but also offers a new approach for facilitating China's exports of poultry and poultry products.In combination with the actual situations of domestic broiler industry, the construction modes of AI-free compartment were discussed, and 3 different types of AI-free compartment including comprehensive broiler compartment, breeding broiler compartment and commercial broiler compartment were proposed. Moreover, the proposals on the implementation of compartmentalisation in China were put forward based on the study.Based on the study, the criteria system of AI-free broiler compartment has been established, comprising 3 parts, namely, the construction standard, the defination standard and the assessment standard. 3 technical files, the General Requirements for Construction of Specific-disease-free Broiler Compartments, the Standard of AI-free Broiler Compartments and the On-site Assessment Forms of a Specific-disease-free Broiler Compartment were drawn up by us and issued by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2009 and in 2010, respectively.The mechanism for the national recognition of AI-free compartments was also established through our study, and the Basic Format of the Application Report for Evaluation of AI-free Broiler Compartments was designed. In addition, we studied and presented the relevant proposals for facilitating the international recognition of China's AI-free compartments, and pointed out that the national evaluation of compartments was the preconditions for the application of international recognition of China's compartments, which shall be of important significance for pushing the bilateral or multilateral recognition of China's compartments in international trade.The study on the pilot construction of AI-free compartment was carried out based on the broiler production chain of Liuhe Group in Dezhou City, Shandong Province. And the cooperation modes and frameworks for building the compartment between Liuhe Group and local veterinary institutions were established, which shall provide references for other animal production enterprises to build compartments.
Keywords/Search Tags:compartmentalisation, AI, compartment, construction, evaluation, mechanism
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