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Shaanxi Province Water Resources Natural Gift Characteristic And Its Development Make Use Of Strategic Research

Posted on:2008-04-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1102360278465477Subject:Geological Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The regional water resources characterization was extremely important in the planning and management of water resources systems.Disproportion natural resources allocation cause significant damage both in the environment and human society.Shaanxi is the province that natural water resources shortage and disproportion.Providing adequate water supply for the province's rapidly growing population and economy within the limits of local operational capacities has been nearly impossible.How to break through the limited of the water resources bottleneck becomes an important topic.A strategic plan will expand the water supply of the province development into an important problem.This study has demonstrated the Shaanxi province water resources natural allocation. It contents of the following several aspects:(1)What was the province's water resources natural allocation? Include to the rain, runoff and groundwater natural characteristic;(2)What were the province's water resources present situation and the existence problems?(3)Based on the water resources natural gift characteristic making use of a water resources development strategic.With the system operation,water resources theories and the hydrology ecosystem economics...etc,the research emphasizes on-site investigation.Applying the balanced method,the control cross section method and Tennant method etc.,the province's water resources demand was calculated.This research focuses on the province's water resources natural characteristic,carried on a strategic water resources development plan of the province,obtaining following results:1.Shaanxi province water resources natural gift characteristicThe water resources natural gift characteristic means the water resources regional allocation of rich or lack and the water quality degrees.It was the characteristics that water resources in district are natural storage and movement.The regional water resources characteristic was become by nature of difference store and cycle.It was also influence by economic and social development in district.The perception,runoff and groundwater all must be involved.The water resources natural gift characteristic the province has follows characteristic:(1)The runoff water resources quantity space distributes imbalanceSubjected to geography,the weather characteristic and vegetative cover conditional influence,water resources of the province distributes imbalance.The south-north difference is very big.The North province,Guanzhong surface water resources was not enough;The South province surface water was more abundant.(2)The difference of surface water resources allotment inside year and year's was bigShaanxi province precipitation was concentrate much in flood season for 6-9 months. It was up to 70%that the amount of water for whole years.Grow key season in crop for 3-5 months were drought.The precipitation and runoff are change very big in years.The biggest and minimum pole values in year of ratio were between 2.4-11.4.The runoff year's variety that compares to precipitation was larger.The biggest and minimum runoff pole values year's ratios were between 2.2-22.3.(3)The self-producing and transit amount of runoff discharge reduce violentIn 1990's,the province self-producing and transit amount of runoff discharge was reduce violent.The province's 1991-2000 averages self-producing water quantity was only for 308×10~8m~3;compare many years average to reduce 101.3×10~8m~3,reduce 24.7%. The yellow river runoff was reduces 25.8×10~8m~3,reduce 26%;The Yangtze River runoff was reduces 75.4×10~8m~3,reduce 24%.(4)The river contains sand to have great capacityThe province yellow river valleys flow through loess,mound and gutters regions. It was very easy formation sediment.The yellow river valleys many years average self product amount of sand was 90.8%.The Senmu and Fugu which flows in yellow river have largesse lose sand ratio.Lose sand ratio was up to 16200-28300 t/km~2 for 1956-2000 years.The runoff was hard use.(5)The drought and waterlog were frequently occursStatistic data express,Guanzhong was the province most droughts happen.It continues the longest.The disaster degree was the heaviest region.In the next place was the North province.The South province was the lightest region in the disaster degree. The province waterlog.was also occurs frequently.(6)The groundwater resources regional difference was bigThe province groundwater resources was 152.45×10~8m~3/a.River for cent,the yellow river is 75.50×10~8m~3/a,the Yangtze River is 76.95×10~8m~3/a.The province groundwater resources can mine measure to 45.68×10~8m~3,the yellow river was 37.85×10~8 m~3 and the Yangtze River was 7.83×10~8 m~3.2.The water resources development situation(1)The province water resources with social and economy develop was not matchThe main river average runoffs of many years' water resources which measure to 138.46×10~8m~3,can be utilized was 26.8%.Among them:The yellow river surface water measure to 49.83×10~8m~3,can be utilized was 37.7%;the Yangtze River was measure to 88.64×10~8m~3,can be utilized was 23.3%.The Guanzhong,South province and North province 2000 GDP respectively were 1258.26×10~8,231.8×10~8,170.86×10~8yuan.The water resources quantity respectively were 68.8×10~8m~3,304.8×10~8m~3 and 35.7×10~8m~3;The groundwater were respectively 31.13×10~8m~3,7.86×108m3 and 6.69×10~8m~3.The regional water resources were not match with social economy.(2) The yellow river pass by runoff utilization ratio was lowThe main channel in the province is about 719km.The province yellow river pass by runoff was plentiful.The Longmen gauge multi years average(1934-2000) runoff discharge was 299.8×10~8m~3.The province only use the runoff about 2×10~8m~3/a.The appropriate development yellow river runoff is strategic measures that guarantee province's economy and social development.The water resources supply and demand analysis expresses,the province water resources shortage in 2000,2010 and 2020 were very high.It can't resolve problem depend on existing water supply engineering.Water transfer project and water resources optimize allocation must be conceded.3.Strategic research based on the province water resources natural gift characteristicThe paper presented the five strategic measures:(1)The province's south-north water transfer project has been suggested.The Guanzhong region in further will meet the water shortage problem.In terms of the water resources natural gift characteristic,local operational capacities were impossibly solved. The south-north water transfer project must be done.The province south-north water transfer project can improve the social development and ecosystem environment conditions in further.It also can supply water for the north province energy heavy chemical engineering base.It was displacement in the meantime.(2)Combined with the Han-Wei water transfer project,a big water adjustment net will implement in further.The Han-Wei water transfer project will be a bone framework that realizes the Guanzhong economic society fast development.It makes provice's water resources unify adjustment possible.(3)Transfer the Yellow River runoff to resolves water shortage problem in North province.The North province energy chemical base is a national energy heavy chemical engineering base.It is not only the local economy development requires,but also the strategy demand that guarantees national energy safe in future.So the Yellow River runoff uses is strategic basic principle.The first step research water transfers are west,east and south routes.The total three routes transfers the amount of water is 13.50×10~8m~3 in 2020.(4)The reasonable develops deep groundwater for supplies water.North province and Guanzhong are all distributes rock dissolve water.The water are clean and quantity.It should be the ideal water for person and domestic animal drinking.These water replacements are very difficult.So it should be strictly forbid confusion to open.It is insuring a reasonable development.(5) Make good use of the loess retain characteristic can be restore water.One way was develop underground reservoir.It can increase water for anti-dry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shaanxi province, the water resources natural gift characteristic, province water transfer, development makes use of
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