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On Ecological Personality

Posted on:2010-01-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L W PengFull Text:PDF
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Personality is the sum of a person's character,value and dignity,the collection of a person's moral and psychological quality and the requirements of how a person should settle down in the real life.In the long history of the development of human civilization, different backgrounds of civilization have formatted different types of personality as from the attaching personality based on the patriarchal groups in the farming civilization age to the alienating personality based on the crazy pursuit of material wealth in the industrial civilization age. At present,as mankind has entered the new millennium,the transformation of ecological civilization has become a pressing need.As a new approaching of civilization has put forward the demands for the development of personality,the human beings must re-examine and re-design themselves in the new context of time,and set up the new targets for the personality perfection.Perfect personality is the goal for people's pursuing of the all-round development.In the process for the realization of personality perfection, ethical standardization and moral education play an irreplaceably important role,because any kinds of ethical and moral value targets eventually all point to the successful completion and perfection of personality,to the people's all-round development.In retrospect of the growth and development process of human's ethical thoughts,it is not difficult to find that different eastern and western ethics schools,in a particular historical period and cultural background,have different personality target,and accumulated the nutrients of human's thoughts for the molding of the new personality to help people of the future generations to select their own future from the history.When the shift of the ecological civilization has raised the cultivation of a new type of personality - the ecological personality to the level of realization,to explore the growth and development conditions of ecological personality through the historical analysis and realistic conclusion has become a significant topic.Ecological personality is the reflection and conclusion of human dignity,responsibility,value or quality under the double outlook of the relationship between man and nature and the relationship between man and society.It is the condensation and internalization of certain moral principles and norms on the individual;people's voluntary and rational planning and designing of their life attitudes and life styles for the realization of the harmony between human,nature and the society and the distillation of people's life realm.The shaping and forming of ecological personality requires the nutrients of human's history and culture,especially the ethical culture has provided the substantial theory resources and the enlightenment thought for the establishment and molding of ecological personality.Traditional Chinese ethical culture,traditional western ethical culture and Marxist ethical culture,all contain a unique,rich and prosperous ecological wisdom,which form a starting point for the shaping of ecological personality.Looking back to the past 20th century,industrial civilization has left immense material wealth for the mankind,but at the same time,brought about an increasingly profound ecological crisis,social crisis and spiritual crisis.The substance of these crises is the crisis of human nature and the personality crisis which led to the environmental ethics.The primary characteristic of environmental ethics is to expand the scope of human's moral responsibility,and extended the vision of moral care from the mankind to the whole nature.The expansion of human's moral responsibilities from the environmental ethics and eventually point to the training of the new personality. After entering the new millennium,mankind has entered a transition time of ecological civilization in which the shaping and forming of ecological personality shows a unique connotation of time.The advocating of ecological personality will promote the return from the entity of nature to the entity of people and the realization from the education of nature's spirit the education of people's spirit,from the dignity of nature to the human dignity,from the perfection of the natural world to the perfection of people.It is not a goal that can be reached in one step as to the creating of a new type of personality.Ecological personality can only be gradually developed and realized through those paths such as the edifying of the environmental culture,the internalization of environmental education,the refining of ecological practices and so on.Ecological personality matches ecological civilization,and it must be a long way to go as to shape and form the ecological personality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Personality, Ethical Culture, Ecological Personality, Shaping and Forming
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