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Keyword [upland soil]
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1. Nitrogen Nutrition Of Rice Cultivated On Upland Soil Mulched With Half-Decomposed Rice Straw
2. Studies On The Physiological Characters Of Rice Cultivated On Upland Soil Condition And Its Mechanism Of Adaptation To The Environment
3. Using BaPS System To Study Upland Soil Nitrification-Denitrification And Respiration
4. The Study On Chemical Fractions And Availability Of Manganese In Upland Soil And Paddy Soil, Hunan Province Of China
5. Study On Determination Methods For Available Nitrogen And Potassium In Soil Testing And Fertilizer Recommendation
6. Chongqing Upland Soil Fertilizer Synergies Study
7. Research On Microbial Transformation Of Phosphorus And Its Effectiveness In Upland And Paddy Red Soils
8. Evolution Of Soil Characteristics And Soil Types After Land-use Conversion From Paddy Field To Upland
9. Effect Of Rice Straw Mulching And PAM On Growth And Yield Of Autumn Sticky Maize In Hilly Red Soil Upland
10. The Study On Planting Effect Of Peanut-cassava Intercropping And Straw Mulching In Upland Red Soil Of South Hill
11. Responses Of Upland Soil Nematode Community Structure Under Long-Term Application Of Organic Manure In Middle Subtropical China
12. The Agricultural Upland Soil Carbon Cycle Research Of Longquan
13. Prediction Of Carbon Sequestration Potential Of Chinese Arable Land Under Long-term Fertilizations
14. Effects Of Ecology Interception And Ground Mulching On Crop Yield, Quality, Nutrient Uptack And Runoff Loss In Upland Soil
15. Characteristics Of Soil Organic Carbon Fraction And Chemical Composition Under Long-term Fertilization In Upland Soil Of China
16. Effects Of Soil Amendments On Upland Soil Properties And Flue-cured Tobacco Yield And Quality At South Anhui
17. Effects Of Biochar Addition On Soil Organic Carbon Minerazation And Soil Aggregate Composition And Organic Carbon Distribution
18. Simulation Of Temporal And Spatial Evolution Of Soil Organic Carbon In Dryland At Regional Scale
19. Research On Typical Dryland Crops Growing Season And Fertilization On Related Nitrogen Transformation Microbial
20. Effects Of Mapping Scale On Soil Organic Carbon Dynamic Simulation In The Uplands Of The Northern Jiangsu Province
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