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The Comparison Of Chinese And American Journalism And Communication Education Reform Under The Background Of Media Convergence

Posted on:2011-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of new media technology prompts the development of media convergence in the world, and then changes the operation way of whole media industry in the large. As a subject which is closely connected to the media industry, journalism and communication education does not only guide media practice, but also education and send workers to the industry. Since media convergence brings disruptive reform to the media industry such as the construction of media organizations, the production of media content, and different needs from audience, the previous journalism and communication education is no longer effective to the media industry needs, and therefore needs to change.Since the practice of media convergence is more developed in America than in China, America started the journalism and communication education reform earlier than China. Especially in recent years, the education reform in America is becoming mature based on the development of its media convergence practice. Therefore, learning from the experience of American journalism and communication education reform is very important for the Chinese journalism and communication education reform.The article tries to find the problems and the solutions for current Chinese journalism and communication education reform. Therefore, this article picks four journalism colleges from American university and four from Chinese university, and then compares them from aspects of major setting, course setting, and construction of teachers. The comparison results show that Chinese journalism and communication education reform is on the beginning step now since its major setting is reverse to the concept of media convergence, the course setting pays too much attention on technology training, as well as the lack of teachers who have experience of working in media industry. However, there are many aspects of the reform should be noticed and regarded as positive such as active attitude towards the reform, emphasize the combination of practice and theory, as well as inviting media workers to give presentations in the college as the compensation to the current teachers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media convergence, Journalism and communication education reform, Chinese, American
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