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The New Method Of News' Dissemination Under Media Convergence Environment

Posted on:2012-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q JiangFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous development of science and technology, especially the rapid development of digital and network technology, the way people receive and impart information has been changed because of the spread of new ways and means of communication continue to emerge. The mode of traditional media pattern has disappeared, and the boundaries between old and new media gradually blur. To win fierce competition in the market, traditional media have to employ exchanges and cooperation with new media through various means and channels, thus leading to complementarity between different media; The huge changes in the patterns of media will inevitably lead to changes in the pattern of transmission. The traditional mode of transmission of news has been broken, and the spread of news and information is on a path of convergence journalism. Dissemination of news and information is no longer just a single, one-way communication, but changes to the diversification. Meanwhile, the innovations of transmission mode of new information also made the traditional audience no longer exist. With the network platform, the audience also can participate in the process of dissemination of news and information. Moreover, the audience is no longer a simple reception, but also can timely release and feedback information. In the process of formatting new media pattern, the media industry must change the way of producing news to adapt new environment and get to win profits in the fierce market competition. News media convergence and convergence journalism raise the quality and level of new requirements of media professionals, and media professionals need to develop new talents with comprehensive quality, so all of these needs require us to make changes in journalistic education. Change in the way of news dissemination, also requires audiences improve media literacy to receive and release information. Because of the convergence journalism and huge changes in the patterns of media which driven by media convergence, the media industry, news media professionals and audience have to improve their own quality and consciously adapt innovations for promoting the media convergence to a higher and deeper level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media convergence, Convergence journalism, Journalism education, Media literacy
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