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Research On The Optimization Of The Performance Appraisal Scheme Of The Sales Department Of Nanchang J Company

Posted on:2022-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306539996069Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the globalization of Chinese economy,the competition among various organizations in a company has gradually evolved into the competition for human resource management.Performance appraisal is the most important part of human resource management and plays a very important role in achieving the company's profit goals and in promoting the company's sustainable development.This thesis studies the staff performance appraisal program of the sales department in J company and analyzes the current status of the J company's sales department,including existing problems of the performance appraisal program and the reasons that cause those problems;based on that,we try to optimize the current performance appraisal program in order to further improve the business situation of J company.This thesis exploits several methods for the research,including literature investigation,interviews and relating theory with practice.After analyzing the implementation of the performance appraisal scheme for the sales staff in J company,we identify and analyze a series of problems existing in the current performance appraisal scheme,so as to give our appraisal optimization scheme.Our proposed optimizations include decomposing the performance appraisal objectives of the sales department based on the balanced scorecard,improving the appraisal indicators,re setting reasonable appraisal weights,improving the feedback work of performance appraisal,improving the appraisal process and strengthening the training of the human resources department.In order to implement the above optimization measures smoothly,the company should guarantee to work from the aspects of education,personnel,funds and system.The conclusion of this thesis is to first find the problems existing in the current performance appraisal scheme,analyze these problems,and then solve them;our solution is to optimize the performance appraisal scheme of sales staff,improve the feedback work of performance appraisal,and improve the performance appraisal process.The research results of this paper regarding the existing problems and optimization measures for the performance appraisal scheme of sales department in J company help the company's management to realize the importance of the performance appraisal scheme of the sales department;our results can also be used to improve the sales of J company,so as to create more value for both customers and shareholders;in addition,we hope that the research results of this paper can provide reference significance for companies in the teaching supplementary book market.
Keywords/Search Tags:J Company, Salesman, Performance Assessment, Optimization
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