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Birefringent fiber devices and lasers

Posted on:1996-09-30Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteCandidate:Theimer, James PrenticeFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents the results of numerical simulations of mode-locked figure eight lasers and their components: fiber amplifiers and nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLMs). The computations were designed to study pulse evolution in optical amplifiers and NOLMs with periodic repetition of these elements. Since fiber laser systems also include birefringent fiber, the effects of fiber birefringence was incorporated into the simulations.; My studies of pulse amplification in non-birefringent amplifiers show pulse breakup when their energies exceed 4.5 fundamental soliton energies. In birefringent fibers pulse breakup is also found, but the two orthogonally polarized pulses propagate together. I find that their behavior is related to the properties of a vector soliton.; I found that vector waves have close to unity transmission through a birefringent NOLM, but the pulse shape is distorted. This shape distortion reduces subsequent transmissions through the NOLM. The energy required for peak transmission of the pulse is predicted by the theory based on vector solitons. The same theory also predicted the low intensity transmission. The performance of the NOLM with birefringent fiber could not be improved by altering the polarization state of the pulse from linear polarization; the polarization controller introduced pulse distortion that resulted in excessive loss.; I found an instability in the steady-state operation of the figure eight laser, which is due to pulse reshaping during propagation in the amplifier section. To remove this instability I introduced the concept of dispersion balancing; by increasing the dispersion in the amplifier section, the pulse can propagate nearly as a fundamental soliton in both the amplifier and the NOLM sections of the laser. This eliminated a major source of dispersive wave shedding and allowed the laser operation to become independent of the amplifier length. Sidebands were found on the pulse spectrum and their maxima corresponded well with the periodic resonance model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiber, Laser, Pulse, Amplifier, Found, NOLM
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