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Remote sensing image performance metrics: Comparing ground sample distance and the national imagery interpretability rating scale

Posted on:2001-06-05Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Purcell, Cameron RFull Text:PDF
Two remote sensing image quality metrics, ground sample distance (GSD) and the recently declassified, national imagery interpretability rating scale (NIIRS) are compared. GSD measures the geometric projection of a single detector on the ground, not actual image interpretability. High resolution imagery is generated to test how imagery with a constant GSD deteriorates when key components of an imaging system are altered. The NIIRS rates the information potential of an image, i.e., what tasks could be accomplished with a particular NIIRS rating. Remote sensing imagery from six sensors taken of one location are compared for interpretability. Each is rated as part of the study, by a certified image analyst and by a modeling tool developed to compute image quality based on the two-dimensional, spatial frequency power spectrum. Results indicate that the model performs well and NIIRS ratings are more indicative than GSD rating of the potential interpretability of remote sensing imagery.
Keywords/Search Tags:Remote sensing, Image, Interpretability, Rating, GSD, NIIRS, Ground
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