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Wikidata Entity Compilation Provenance Management And Provenance Credibility Application

Posted on:2020-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330578473622Subject:Books intelligence
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rise of the era of big data,the number of data has grown exponentially,the quality of data has been uneven,and structured,semi-structured data and unstructured data have been intertwined,and the complexity has increased,Adding value to data reuse becomes the core competitiveness of the Semantic Web.In this environment,it is more difficult to judge the authenticity of the information source,and the importance of the provenance information is increasingly prominent,affecting the degree of trust of users in the acquired data..The importance of provenance information is increasingly prominent,affecting users' trust to acquired data.Since the origin information records in detail the life evolution process of the data,the increase and decrease of the quantity and the heterogeneous transformation of the structure are included.Therefore,when tracing the historical state of the complex data and its content,the role of the origin information can not be ignored,that is,through the origin information,the change of any time period in the data life cycle can be traced,and the detailed process of the whole evolution of the data can be clearly grasped.How to effectively represent,store,and utilize is an issue that researchers of origin data continue to study in depth.Wikidata is a collection of structured data whose entries are co-edited by compilers and robots to build a semantic-based scale knowledge base.When the user wants to know the content of the edited item,the current wikidata providing function is difficult to meet the user's query needs.Not only that,wikidata still needs to be perfected in certain aspects,such as the need to locate the wrong source to remove false and malicious contribution compilation activities;effectively trace the source and process of the item data to clarify the editor's responsibility.Based on the record of the compilation activities in the whole life cycle of the entity,constructing the provenance model of the item compilation process and generating the corresponding provenance information metadata,the metadata on the data level can be released and utilized,Extending the use of data to the reuse of metadata.The extension to the metadata is reused,extending the utilization dimension of the data hierarchy.This paper takes Wikidata as an example to study the construction of wikidata compilation entity provenance model and credibility evaluation.(1)Analyzed the research progress of provenance data,and Comprehensive analysis from two aspects of the provenance of data theory and the application of provenance data,which provided a theoretical basis for studying the provenance data and credibility evaluation of wikidata compilation.(2)Defining the related entity concepts and their attribute relationships of the provenance of wikidata entity compilation,and proposing the wikidata entity compilation provenance model.Based on the construction of the wikidata entity compilation provenance model,the analytic acquisition,description generation,storage verification,and release of the wikidata compilation entity provenance data are studied using the entity provenance life cycle.(3)Using the fine-grained provenance data of the wikidata item compiler to evaluate the credibility,based on the constructed item compilation provenance model to manage the provenance process and content changes in the life process of the entire compilation item.And combined with the credibility of the item compiler node,it provides a reliable basis for the credibility evaluation of the wikidata compilation item data,and provides an effective way to trace the rights and responsibilities of the wiki data compiler entity.It also provides an operability method for the practical application of wikidata entity compilation provenance data.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wikidata, Provenance Information, Item Revision, Credibility evaluation
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