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The Application And Development Of TI Z-Stack Mesh Protocol Stack To Dangerous Chemicals Monitoring

Posted on:2018-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542977441Subject:Electronic and communication engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an open international communication standard,Zigbee technology with its low power consumption,high reliability,high flexibility,good security and low deployment of the cost of the characteristics of the material is being more and more attention.In order to simplify the development,each Zigbee chip design companies have launched Zigbee Protocol Stack which can help people develop.The Protocol Stack is the first choice in the Application Associate because it always observes Zigbee normative design and has a good stability.According to application requirement in Hazardous Chemicals Production Enterprise,I have a secondary development in Z-Stack Mesh Protocol Stack after studying Zigbee2007 Pro and TI Z-Stack Mesh specification and going into the development way of Z-Stack Mesh Protocol Stack.The main development content is that gather the network devices running condition in whole network,manage device network access according to white list,open data transmission encryption in network and update periodically secret key,write drive codes about all kind of sensors,transmit data with upper computer and so on.I also adjust default parameters in protocol stack and close inapplicable functions.The measurement result indicates that TI Z-Stack Mesh Protocol Stack manages device state more strictly in network,improves the data transmission security and reduces probability in monitoring crack after secondary development.Data which upload to server can be displayed in all kind of consoles on the basis of unvarnished transmission protocol.Protocol stack runs stability so it can be satisfied with requirement in hazardous chemicals security monitoring and use value in reality.At the same time protocol stack verifies the validity of development of TI Z-Stack Mesh Protocol Stack.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wireless Sensor Network, Hazardous Chemicals Security Monitoring, Internet of Thing, The Development of Protocol Stack
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