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Design And Implementation Of 9/7 Wavelet Transform Based On HyperX

Posted on:2016-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C T LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330488474359Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wavelet transform is a kind of analysis method which is developed on the basis of Fourieranalysis. It has a very strong ability to deal with non-stationary signals. With the continuous development of wavelet transform theory, it is widely used in communication technology, signal processing, geophysical, water conservancy, image processing, physics, medicine, military and other fields. In the field of image processing, image matching, filtering, compression and other aspects are closely related to the wavelet transform theory.Lifting-based Discrete Wavelet Transform is the core of anew compression standard for still images: JPEG2000, which using 9/7 wavelet as wavelet base. Wavelet Transform is becoming a focus of scientific research, and the implementation of wavelet transform on an efficient platform is becoming necessary.On the other hand, The development of single core processor, such as production process, architecture and power consumption, has reached the bottleneck. With the development of science and technology, the performance of the data processing platform has also put forward higher requirements. The multi-core processor gradually becomes mainstream, and because of the development of chip technology, The number of independent computing units within the processor is increasing,the structure of the kernaltendsto be simple, hence there gradually formed a trend from multi-core to many-core. the number of executation units integrated into the future processor will reach hundreds or even thousands. This paper uses the many-core processing platform Hyper X, which is a high performance parallel computing platform. It is composed of 100 independent low power execution units, providing a large scale parallel architecture, which can balance the communication and computation, and has very good performance at the same time.In this paper, the design and implementation of 9/7 discrete wavelet transform on high performance parallel platform Hyper X is studied. By analyzing the structure, characteristics and development mode of Hyper X, and testing and analysing the performance of the communication between execution units, this paper designs a feasible data partition and communication mode on Hyper X parallel computing platform. The 9/7 wavelet transform on Hyper X is implemented. Then the design of the 9/7 discrete wavelet transform is optimized by changing the Hyper X processor's on-chip communication mode and improving the resource utilization ratio of the Hyper X processor. Finally, a series of tests are carried out. The test contents include the data communication test, the 9/7 wavelet transform and the speed test.The performance of the Hyper X parallel computing platform is analyzed by the test results. The test results show that the performance of the Hyper X platform is mainly limited by the data processing unit in communication, but because the Hyper X platform has a high degree of parallelism, strong computing power and low power consumption, it can not only make the 9/7 discrete wavelet transform correct and stable, but also has high efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:9/7wavelet, Hyper X, many-core, communication optimization
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