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Study On Physical Smiulation And Application Of Channel Wave Detection In Coal Mining Face

Posted on:2018-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S C MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2321330518998483Subject:Earth Exploration and Information Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the process of comprehensive mechanized coal mining, the common problem is that it can not accurately predict what kind of geological anomalies in front of the working face and their location, size and so on , resulting in huge economic losses and casualties. In the existing geophysical methods, ISS(In-Seam-Seismic) exploration is one of the most accurate and most promising geophysical methods in mine geophysical prospecting.Based on the previous research results, this paper fully expounds the theory of seam channel wave and its characteristics. The paper focuses on the study of the physical simulation of channel wave detection in coal mining face and makes similar physical models.Collecting the acoustic characteristic dates by PAC acoustic emission instrument and AEwin software, simulating the propagation of channel wave through the "Rock-coal-rock" three-layer layered media with collapse column. Detect coal seam collapse column by means of transmission channel wave energy attenuation method based on physical simulation, contrasting and analyzing the interpretation results of the geological anomaly of the collapse column in the 5308 coal mining face of the Cheng Zhuang coal mine.Research on the application of channel wave detection in two coal mining faces in this paper. Firstly, designing the observation system of ISS exploration. Then, analyzing the single gun data of collecting channel wave, including the raw data analysis of the collected data,dispersion analysis, velocity analysis and so on. Finally, predicting the type, location and size of the geological anomaly through the interpretation and processing of channel wave data. The feasibility and accuracy that channel wave seismic exploration detects small structure and abnormal body in coal mining face are verified by field construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coal mine face, ISS exploration, PAC acoustic emission instrument and AEwin software, physical simulation, channel wave detection
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