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Online Fluently Played Hd Media Research Based On IOS Platform

Posted on:2015-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330452957112Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the high-speed development of information age comes and the mobile Internetgradually popularizes in people’s daily life, the demand of information to the peoplegradually increased. With the further improving of the network bandwidth and thesmartphones appears in our daily life, searching and browsing information on the Internetbecomes more and more convenient. And there are more and more people browsingmedia information through cellphone. A variety of streaming media software also havemushroomed in the App market.The main contents this article is about online fluently played HD Media Researchbased on iOS platform.This paper is based on the in-depth knowledge of streaming mediaencoding technology and HLS working principle protocol, then I studies specific mediasection and streaming media playing technology, and the main work is to build adistributed video server. Using Http Live Streaming protocol, we make original hd videofiles compressed, recoded, sliced, and so on. We convert the HD video files intostreaming media file format that is support by HLS protocol. Then this files will bedeployed in media server and make it always kept real-time. I used tomcat component tobuild several server under the windows System.Then I developed a video player softwarerunning on the iOS platform. This software would download video resources through theform of multithreading. At the meaning time, we managed memory resources ourselvessuch as memory resources allocation and release as the software runned. We made theoccupied memory as the video played preload and correspondingly, released theredundant resources. Because we did the optimization work on the server and the client atthe same time, after I tested this system through the function test, memory test, paralleloperation test, stress test and so on. This gives user a perfect use experience, although thehigh-definition video media is played online in iOS device.
Keywords/Search Tags:mobile internet, streaming media, iOS system, media slices, memorymanagement, Objective-C
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