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Research On Real-time Of EPL And Its Application

Posted on:2015-10-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330422480659Subject:Mechanical and electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As traditional Ethernet for commercial use, wether real-time control can meet the requirementsof industrial Ethernet protocol has become the first problem to be considered. As an object in thispaper, the real-time and reliability of the Ethernet POWERLINK were studied from the frame,achieve respect methods, application and modeling of communication protocol and other mechanisms.The EPL protocol implementation process in Windows and FPGA platforms was studied at first,then a method based on pure logic circuits to realize EPL was proposed, which demonstrated that themethod can effectively reduce the burden on the CPU, eliminate the effects on timeliness caused bytraditional methods due to over-reliance on the ability of CPU; moreover, the EPL protocol NMT statemachine was implemented using pure logic. Secondly, three level simulation models of EPL was builtin use of OPNET that includes process model, node model and network model, furthermore, thefactors of end to end on the proceaa were analysized and the curve between end to end and variousfactors was gotten through simulation. Finally, the special needs of data communication of robot wereanalysised, and motion control card based on the EPL protocol was designed. Control cardcommunication module design processs was elaborated. Meanwhile a method for improving real-timecommunication combined with the simulation results were presented that was implied to vertifyverificate the real-time and feasibility of the communication module through experments based onhole-robot control system.The above results indicate that the real-time of EPL is much higher than normal Ethernet’s; theend to end compensation method can effectively improve the real-time of EPL and the communicationmodule is fully able to meet the requirements of real-time and stability hole-robot control system.
Keywords/Search Tags:protocol, communication, real-time, Ethernet POWERLINK, robot
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