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Research On Servo And Control Technology Of Unmanned Gyroplane

Posted on:2014-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422952840Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, a type of unmanned gyroplane is taken as an example for research. The servoactuator, gliding characteristics analysis and control, ground telemetry track and control system of theunmanned gyroplane are studied.The design requirements of the servo actuator are proposed with structure features andperformance requirements of the unmanned gyroplane. Based on these requirements, mechanicalstructure design and component selection are completed. Then, mathematical model of the servoactuator is established with mechanism modeling method. And a parameter identification method ofthe servo actuator is proposed in the mode of position closed-loop. Meanwhile, a dual-redundancypolicy adopting both digital control and analog control is also proposed in this paper. Engineeringdesign method is used to complete the controller design of servo steering in current loop, speed loopand position loop. Simulation results show the benefits of proposed servo actuator.From the study of gravity, aerodynamic, rotor tension, propeller thrust and wheel force, themathematical model of unmanned gyroplane in gliding period is established and analyzed. Then,lateral rectifying control law is designed based on model reference adaptive control method and usingneural network. And influence of engine thrust and disc rotor Angle of attack on lift force isinvestigated. Finally, the efficient performance of longitudinal control law is verified in simulationexperiment.Besides, the requirements of the measurement and control system in unmanned gyroplane areproposed here. And working principle and composition of the system are described to meet therequirements. What’s more, we design the measurement and control software, monitoring softwareand3D map display software serving the measuring system. Then, the hardware configuration of theground control system is accomplished.The above work, cooperating with our laboratory team, realizes the flight control of unmannedgyroplane.
Keywords/Search Tags:unmanned gyroplane, servo actuator, parameters identification, rectifyingdeviation, neural networks, TT&C system
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