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The Impact Of Working Experience On The Entrepreneurial Resource Integration Of Social Enterprise

Posted on:2012-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Z XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330392458097Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rise of social entrepreneurship is growing in the world, which plays a positiverole in solving many social problems. And it wins wide attention and praise. However,social entrepreneurship is still an emerging academic field. Existing literature about socialentrepreneurship, mostly defines the concept of social enterprise, characteristics, andcomparing with general commercial enterprise and so on, while few expounds the processof social entrepreneurship. The theory base has not been fully explored and developed,and the theoretical system urgently need for further developing and improving to betterprovide useful help for social entrepreneurship practices.Many successful social entrepreneurs have a rich working experience. And previousstudies have shown that prior working experience has a significant impact on theentrepreneurial progress. Accordingly, from the perspective of resource-based theory andknowledge transfer, this paper uses grounded theory methodology to construct a studyframework, namely “the impact of prior working experience on the entrepreneurialresource integration of social enterprise, through collecting and analyzing some typicalcases of social enterprise. It explains the mechanism how prior working experience impacton entrepreneurial resource integration of social enterprise.The results suggest that there is a positive impact of prior working experience on theintegration ability of social entrepreneurial resources, but the dimension and extent of thisrelationship has not been validated. From the resource-based view perspective, this paperexplores the impact of prior working experience on the entrepreneurial resourceintegration of social enterprise. It is not only a useful exploration on the process of socialentrepreneurship, but also provides a useful reference for the future study. The results willprovide a useful theory guide for the social practice activities, and also enrich the literatureof social entrepreneurship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Working experience, Social enterprise, Social entrepreneurship, Resource integration
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