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Perceive And Respond To

Posted on:2014-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395992676Subject:Digital Media
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
First, this paper discusses the interactive art multimedia technology and art continue to extend the integration of the product is a concentrated expression of contemporary technology and artistic achievements. Interaction interaction design process is a process of input and output. Between man and computer in the form of the input and output is varied, the interaction took various forms. People’s lives today is inseparable from the computer, network, and this is also a major shift in people’s behavior and ways of thinking, and the circle of life. The same time, the art form is also quietly changed, a new form of artistic expression new media interactive installation art. Physical interaction between objects kinematic constraints, collision detection and physical response generated by external influences. New media interactive installation interactive images outside another word for physical interaction design is removed on the basis of the human-computer interaction, interaction design more emphasis on the information obtained by the physical response feedback. With the development of science and technology, the new input device will also have a more interactive forms and possibilities. Us to carry a greater variety of new media technology experiments, combining different forms of media can create a new level of artistic expression, it is this sense to try to promote a strong interest in physical interaction design and technology. This article mainly talk about the physical production based on the Arduino open source hardware platform interactive systems, as well as interactive art. Artists and designers constantly try new tools and materials, but also to promote the Arduino microcontroller more types of variation for different purposes. Also listed some of the physical interaction design case studies. The graduate design work content and process of design practice, and do the kinds of effects. Last on physical interaction design is a wide range of collision between the machine and technology, it is in the location and characteristics of interactive art, and concept formation and research. Arduino microcontroller is achievable and can be extended by art and design platform, and there will be a very good development in the future physical interaction design and application areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interactive art, Interaction design, New media interactive device, Physicalinteraction design, Microcontrollers
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