This paper discusses an embedded terminal software design methods of The Internet ofThings, this method is based on a common ARM-LINUX operating system and the SQLitedatabase. Based on previous studies, we using an ARM-LINUX-based operating system andSQLite database of component-based embedded software design.Adapt to the rapid development of terminal hardware in The Internet of Things, thissystem makes a new exploration and attempt in components technology and databasetechnology in embedded systems application, primarily resolve the key problem that becomesbloated by the increase of components in the component-based software, as well as SQLitedatabase concurrency flaws, this is the project in two technical difficulties.First, the article briefly describes the project background and application background,tells the terminals in The Internet of Things and LINUX, SQLite, and components of thetechnology status quo. Second, the analysis of the ARM-LINUX and SQLITE characteristicsand applications, according to the characteristics of terminals in The Internet of Things, andthe proposed system design specifications, and resolving the key technical difficulties: thecomponent model and the database interface, and analysis of key technologies the basicprinciples. Third, explain the basic structure of the system design, the system uses a layeredarchitecture, multi-tasking architecture and component-based architecture and integration forthe summary description of the use. Fourth, focuse on the research of the technical difficultiesmentioned earlier: First, to solve the first technical difficulties, the system improved theSCOM model designed based on event-driven component model, focused on solving theproblem of dynamic loading and unloading components in order to achieve savings inmemory costs, and adapt to the purpose of multiple hardware environments; in order to solvethe second technical difficulties, use the memory-disk database and their combination, wedesign a lightweight data transfer machine, we use message queues for the data transmissionto achieve high efficiency and concurrent access for data read and write efficiency. Fifth, forexample, design an optimization software for a 4G network terminal, briefly discusses theapplication of the system to build a basic idea of software as well as somerecommendations, and summarizes the system's contribution in the application system. Finally,the collection of the actual system usage and performance, a comprehensive analysis of theresults and conclusions are given, sum up the solved focuse difficult problems and technologyforesight in the system once again, and points out improvement ideas in the next step.The system uses a component-based event-driven model, greatly improved the system's flexibility, it can be applied to different end-use applications of The Internet of Things; by theapplication of the data transfer machine technology, resolves the SQLite databaseconcurrent access problems, as well as makes the database access for users becomes moretransparent. |