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A Network Bank Electronic Payment System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2011-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360308975706Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the computer technology in the various trades and occupations day by day widespread and the thorough application, the network concept already strikes root in the hearts of the people. The network occupied the important position in various trades and occupations' developmental strategy, becomes the business to carry on the operative activity inalienable part. Not only the commodity propaganda has limited to the television and the newspaper, the network has become the business to demonstrate own another stage. The business establishes the website, the business various aspects' propaganda and the service development in the network, may realize like on-line functions and so on shopping, information search, network payment through the network , these while change our original modes of business operation and management idea, also has brought a higher benefit for the business. Therefore, regarding the business, has one to belong to own net shop payment system is very important.The network security problem was manages the question which the network first faced, the present paper the first system analysis electron currency, the SET agreement, as well as technologies and so on electronic payment, then each kind of safe authentication which faced in view of the system combination, the security guard against the aspect the question to carry on the system analysis and the research. Based on this, has realized one kind of simple network bank electron payment system. The system mainly (Structured Approach) elaborates system's performance history using SDLC and the structurized method, the development content including the backstage database establishment, the backstage management as well as the onstage page design. The system based on IIS and SQL the Server fusion's platform, uses the language development to complete. The system is improving unceasingly, and completes the test effectively.This system's design has the good expansion ability moreover to be advantageous for the maintenance, the use aspect is simpler, has the good auxiliary management function regarding the administrative personnels, is advantageous in the impetus electronic commerce development. Next step will fuse further company internal information management platform to complete the effective integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic payment system, information system development, browser/server, dynamic website
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