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"han" Reference The Bibliographic Test

Posted on:2002-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360032450236Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Han History is a very important historic bookwhich has far-reachinginfluence on Chinese historical science.It is a magnum opus of historic significant written byBangu who devoted his whole life for the great work.A large number of works in pre-Qindynasty,Qin dynasty and Han dynasty were cited for it.There are three parts in this paper.The first part make a brief account of Bangu' life and his Han History appraise thedefinite place of Han History.The second part followed the classification of Yiwenzhi of Han History.classified the titlecatalogues of quotations of Han Historyinto seven parts.analyses the material one by one.The third part appraise the work of the title catalogues of quotations of Han History. Mostpeople think that Yiwen Zhiis enough for Han History there is no need to study the titlecatalogues of quotations further that few work about this aspect was written everbefore.But I don't think so.This paper has summerized five characteristics of the quotationsthrough classifying and analysing them in detail,so as to explore the political viewpoint andcompile ideas of Bangu,the current situation of document devolopment and the status ofHan Historyin science of Chinese ancient historical documents.In summary, the title catalogues of quotations of Han History very important practicalsignificance and warrant further study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han History, Quotation, title catelogue
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