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The Design And Implementation Of Layer 3 Switch Software

Posted on:2007-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360185968312Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Layer 3 switch, with the all characteristics of layter 2 switch, can switch IP packets in line speed according to destination IP address. It is possible to construct high speed, high performance and large scale LAN with layer 3 switch network devices. With the development of ASIC technology, Layer 3 switch has the higher performance and the lower price. Currently, layer 3 switch network devices have spread from the core of network to the edge of network. It occupys a large part of network devices market.Based on the hardware design and implementation of the layer 3 switch, a device driver for the layer 3 switch has been developed. The rapid spanning tree protocol has been implemented in the application environment of the layer 3 switch. Base on the study of stacking protocol, a private stacking protocol for VANLINK has been submitted.The device driver of layer 3 switch is responsible for controlling the functions of the hardware, such as device I/O, initialization, and functions from the physical layer to application layer, etc. Simultaneously, the device driver interacts with the up layer software, and provides services for them.Spanning tree protocol is a very important protocol in switching LAN, especially in a large scale switching LAN. There might be a disaster in a large scale switching LAN without spanning tree protocol. Compare to the IEEE 802.1D spanning tree protocol, the rapid spanning tree protocol has been improved in the constringency speed. The rapid spanning tree protocol can perfectly satisfy the need of current networks.Stacking technology can increase the density of the switch ports and reduce the difficulty of network management. But there is no standard stacking protocol. Some famous network device providers have designed...
Keywords/Search Tags:layer 3 switch, device driver, spanning tree, stacking
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