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Research And Application Of Data Management For Testing Of CTCS-3 On-Board Equipment Based On XML

Posted on:2012-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330332975381Subject:Traffic Information Engineering & Control
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese Train Control System-Level 3(CTCS-3) is the important technical equipment for secure, reliable and efficient high-speed railway motion. As a safety-critical system, with the target of strengthening the safety management and reducing the safety risk of operation, the interoperability of CTCS-3 equipment have to be tested before it is operating online for ensure the interoperability among equipments made by different manufacturers. As an important part of CTCS-3, the on-board equipment is vital for the whole system. Complete functions and perfect interoperability with other equipments are necessary for the on-board or it will make the system perform unexpectedly. Auto test for the on-board equipment in a laboratory environment is established on an interoperability testing platform. Functions and interoperability of on-board equipment could be validated with such a platform according to the system requirements specification.Testing data exists in every important phase of test and it is the key driving power for an interoperability testing platform. There are a lot of problems in the management for testing data caused by complex sources and trivial contents of the data. For solving these problems, a method which generates the test sequence by uniting different operation scenarios is proposed by the thesis. Then the structure of testing platform for interoperability of CTCS-3 on-board equipment is introduced and XML is confirmed to be the key element for testing data management.The structure of test case documents is converted into XML Schema with a three-level design approach which describes the method of converting from UML to XML Schema. At the beginning, static description with conceptual model for test case is established. Next, the conceptual model is converted into the logic model based on regulations confirmed by mapping relations between UML and XML Schema. Finally the result is generated with the form of XML Schema.Testing data is divided into different categories specifically and test cases are classified according to operation scenarios in this thesis. The three-level design approach used above is then introduced to testing logging data and line data. XML Schema with consolidated style is established for testing data. After that, a method for XML storage based on XML Schema with relational data base is proposed. SQLServer is selected to be the relational data base while data tables are designed according to the tree structure of XML Schema. A query algorithm is then designed for the requirement of generating test sequence by uniting of operation scenarios.Finally, the testing data management tool is designed and realized 3.5. During the design, key functions in bottom layer of the tool are introduced. At last, application in the testing platform with management tool and some examples are introduced, and the role of testing data management performed in testing platform is illustrated from the application perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:CTCS-3, On-Board Testing, Interoperability Testing, XML, Data Management
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