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Design And Implementation Of VLAN Module On Three-Layer Switch

Posted on:2012-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330332488066Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of informatization construction in China, the Intranet being increasingly used, and the technology and equipment of Intranet of its access to Internet being innovated constantly. With the development of computer switching technology, VLAN, which is not only a good solution to the network conflict and broadcast storm, but also improves network performance and security, came into being along with the switch.This thesis discussed the Three-tier enterprise-class Ethernet switch AX7000, which is an internet access control equipment, combining the funcion of hardware forwarding with a 2-layer Ethernet Switch and 3-layer routing processing of router. First of all, the thesis analyzed the functional requirement of the AX7000 system. After the introduction of the overall design of both hardware and software of AX7000 system,it introduced the principle of Ethernet switching and the basic principle of VLAN, then, it offered a detailed modular design of the system, and the specific VLAN module design was given afterwards, including the design of basic port module and the Trunk module, which are the basis for the realization of VLAN. The last part includes the relationship between different modules and the configuration of the module data structure. The results show that the design meets the system requirements, therefore ready for use.
Keywords/Search Tags:Layer 3 Switch, VLAN, Port, Trunk
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