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A Study On Cross Border Ethnic Group:Development And Variability Of Jing Ethnic Group In Jiangping Town Of Dongxing City,Guangxi Province,China

Posted on:2018-01-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q S RuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330518454969Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Transboundary ethnic studies are already a subject which is concerned by many researchers in the world and scholars in the country.Jing people in Jiangping town of Dongxing city,Guangxi province,China region is an interesting research subject because this is not only an important ethnic minority among community of ethnics in China but also an ethnic that its development movement reflects features of history,culture and relationship between China and Vietnam,between China and Southeast Asia before as well as nowadays.The focus on research of community is encapsulated in a static space,in a place,without attention to the rotation which seems to be strained in the study of international relations or ethnography,anthropology.Thesis has given transnational approach in research of Jing people.Accordingly,we follow the movement,multi-shift and cross-border location of Jing people to clarify the issues that previous studies did not decipher.Getting Jing people in Jiangping town as research subjects,the thesis mainly focuses on the development and transformation of Jing ethnic in terms of economy,culture and religious beliefs,festivals,immigrants labor...This study attempts to analyze the impact of history,culture of ethnic groups,policies,market economy,globalization to highlight the dominant factor in the development and transformation.The thesis approaches overall process of development and transformation of the Jing people in Jiangping to clarify the multidimensional impact of the movement and development in trans-national context-where the relationship between the national identity and ethnic identity,between tradition and modernity are located,selected and adapted as a method of confirming the identity of the Jing in the development process in Jiangping town of Dongxing city,Guangxi province,China.On the basis of the theory of transboundary ethnic,transnational culture,the thesis tried to point out the core characteristics as well as the changes in the cultural life of the Jing people in Guangxi.Besides,the thesis also tries to explain the complex and multi-dimensional moves in the continued development and change for sustainable development in the context of historical and cultural characteristics of contemporary Jing people in Guangxi.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transboundary, Jing of Jiangping, Development and Variability
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