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Risk Reported To Produce Biased Research

Posted on:2009-07-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F MaFull Text:PDF
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There is no much difference between productions of news with other goods like automobiles. News reporting is the product of "news factory", there is a working routine in each process, meanwhile, during the production process, it has active interactions with other social institutions, it means news is "made" rather than spontaneous reactions to random events as most people expect. On the contrary, news reporting is the result of the selection and formation of the routine works of news, social institutions, ideological traditions, opinions on news audience etc. During news gathering and production, these factors lay a systematic effect on news reportage thus give a certain orientation to news content and forms and it most likely a unavoidable result. This thesis makes an attempt to analyze the production orientation within this framework in risk reporting and find out the following findings:First of all, generally speaking, it is hard for journalists get through the obstacles of the daily routine work of journalism and make their personal traits and values know. However, due to the close relationship between the risks and modern techniques, for instance, academia background, scientific training, personal traits do have a impact on risk reporting which make it has a tendency of "de—contextualization" and inaccuracy, there is much difference between personal traits and news content between China and western countries.Secondly, news working routine is the crucial factor in shaping the news report. To be specific, news working routine has several layers, first, the contextual structure of inverted pyramid, news net, news beats, the allocation of human resources, deadlines, and the arrangement of space and time of a whole page; secondly, the selection of news such as news value, event-driven and story telling style; thirdly, the routine of interrelationship of media institutions, journalists may infer from one the others work on news issues and content. Audience is not necessarily the reference of journalist's work. All this above mentioned routine are dealing with the challenges of disorder of daily events towards orderly production of news. That is to say, in order to satisfy the around the clock work of the news production and the pursuit of news by public, news working routine is developed to confront the challenge. In one word, news working routine is the outcome for guarantee of the high efficiency of the news production.Those routines bring up several tendencies for the risk reporting: lag bias of alarm before hand—the alarm is sound by scientific community and relevant active promotors, even there is a last word among them, media still turn a deaf ear towards it until it meet the standard of news selection. However, risk reporting at this stage has a amplification bias and issue convergence, the content of risk reporting has homogeneity bias and polarized bias in risk dispute.Thirdly, due to the routine work of journalism, news production relay on same sources, but risk reporting is an exception: risk is undetermined, it leave space to the definition of risk to various interests groups. News source enters into the range of news report including intention and aspiration, is an important factor the production of risk reporting. This gives rise to the mobilization bias and outside initiative in modern risk reporting.Fourthly, in terms of social cultural factors, ideology as a form of cultural system has a greater impact on news production. Ideology comes from dominate interests groups and partly generated from the social cultural context of each society. Development of science and technology, face nationalism, populace, professionalism etc. all these has a direct or indirect effect on risk reporting. There is warning of risks but it is submerged among dominant ideologies, or in other words, it is kidnapped by them.Whether it is on the micro or macro level of ideology, it has the impact on risk reporting through the intervention of routine work of journalism, for example, on social institutional level, the realization of mobilization bias and outside initiative depends on news net and the allocation of human resources on news route. Therefore, to journalists, risk reporting as any other kind of reporting, it is a routine work of journalism, diversified bias are yield during this process.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern risk, bias, news production, news routine
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