Learning from life phenomenon people has created many intelligent optimization computation methods to solve complicated optimization problems. For example, Genetic Algorithm, Artificial Immune Systems, Artificial Neural Network, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Colony Location Algorithm, etc. We call this kind of algorithms that mimic the behavior, function and characteristic of life system for scientific computation as "Artificial-Life Computation".Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is such a new artificial life computation method. Similar to genetic algorithm, it is an optimization t technique based on the iterative steps. The system is initialized to be a set of solutions and searches for the optimum thought iteration. It has been attracting more and more attention now, because its simple concept and easy implementation with only a few tuning parameters. And it has been a study hotspot in the world. While the study on PSO algorithm is underway and there are many fields need further research. The paper gives a comprehensive study on PSO from the aspect s of algorithm mechanism, algorithm modification and its application, and the main content is as follows:(1) The paper surveys PSO algorithm and its basic theories (artificial life and artificial life computation). First we summarize the generation and development of artificial life in detail, and emphasize the basic idea, research field and applications, especially in intelligent optimization and simulation. And then we expatiate the emergence, definition and research field, and some typical artificial...