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Keyword [Stock pricing]
Result: 41 - 60 | Page: 3 of 5
41. The Research On The Effect Of Margin Trade And Short Selling On The Stock Pricing Efficiency
42. Research On The Influence Of Investor Sentiment On The Stock Price Deviation
43. A Study On The Effect Of Growth On Value Relevance Of Accounting Information And Stock Pricing
44. Study On Reasonability Of Stock Pricing In Mergers And Acquisitions Of Chinese Listed Companies
45. Research On The Impact Of Herd Behavior On The Efficiency Of Stock Pricing In Margin Trading
46. Illiquidity, Investor Sentiment And Stock Pricing
47. The Empirical Study Of The Influence Of Investor Behavior Factors To Stock Pricing Under The View Of Behavioral Finance
48. An Empirical Study On The Impact Of Securities Margin Trading On Stock Pricing Efficiency In China
49. An Empirical Study On The Influencing Factors Of NEEQ Stock Pricing
50. Empirical Research Of The Short-selling And Margin-trading's Effect On Price Discovery In China
51. Sierpinski Lattice Percolation Stock Price Model And Predictive Analysis
52. The Effect Of Margin Finance On Stock Pricing Efficiency
53. An Analysis On The Differences Of Stock Pricing For China's Private Enterprises Among A-share Market And Stock Markets Oversea
54. Corporate Governance And Restricted Stock Pricing
55. Research On The Association Among The A Stock Pricing?internal Control Weakness And Audit Fee
56. A Five-factor Stock Pricing Model In Chinese Stock Market
57. The Price Discovery Function Of The SSE 50 Stock Index Futures And Its Impact On The Pricing Efficiency Of The Stock Market
58. The Impact Of Investor Attention On Stock Pricing
59. An Empirical Study On The Influence Of The Herd Behavior Of The Securities Investment Fund On The Stock Pricing Efficiency
60. An Empirical Analysis Of The Improvement By Liquidity On The Factor Model In China's Stock Market
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